Goblin Race Conflict Military Conflict in Iheya | World Anvil

Goblin Race Conflict

**DRAFT** Translators note: Some words from within the original transcript are still being translated as they are unknown or have no equivalent word in Common.   Excerpt from classroom presentation from the viewpoint of Scholar Kobo given during Knowledge Exposition   The Goblin Race Conflict of Toshi1013 was for all intents devastating and a serious lesson to the Ryu Goblins and Ryu Islanders.   After the kingdom performed their investigation, it was determined that there were cells of people from neighboring countries that had been positioned in various places to activate at a certain time and stir up problems within the Kingdom.   Time was on the side of the Not-Islanders (NIs). They built relationships and businesses within the communities. They were a loyal people and honorable, to their own kind. In secret they would plot and scheme ways to embarrass and harass locals, but in such a minor way it could have been chalked up to adolescent type behavior. One jab at another person here, undermining comments about another person there, always sniping in off hand comments in public. Even when the NIs on their main continent began stirring up misinformation and sending mixed messages, the Ryu people mostly just took it in stride as a quirk of those who were not from around here and had trouble adjusting to the island life.   In retrospect, when measured over time, you could plot out the NIs behavior with increasing intensity through a timeline, increasingly more and more vocal as they zeroed in on the Ryu Goblins as their target of spite.   The Ryu Goblins were called Originals by the Ryu peoples. When humans began settling within the islands, there were minor skirmishes mostly due to misunderstanding and miscommunication. I mean nobody wants a well dug on a sacred fertility site <sound of giggling from the gallery>, or a house built on a graveyard. Trees and rock formations are sacred and observable to the Ryu Goblins and when humans came along in their ignorance and began 'adjusting' things to fit their needs, it upset the balance the Ryu Goblins had with the islands.   Over time, humans adjusted and came to respect and even build lasting relationships with the Ryu Goblins. Each culture had something to teach the other and since the true origin of the Ryu Humans is unknown, they had no real traditions or fully established culture so would adopt many things form the other cultures as they grew and established themselves within the Ryu Islands as the most predominant humanoid biological organism...   <Scholar Kobo looks down at stack of notes realizing they haven't been using them and pauses to gather their thoughts>   Hundreds of years later as the world developed, the Ryu Islanders were introduced to other closed minded cultures and would fight with their brethren to uphold what they believed and stand together with them to fight. But as time passed, the humans continued to adapt and adjust, accepting new ideas, even if they were counter to what they had believed before. Like all developing societies, the Ryu humans lost some of the original cultural ideals as they were not able to continue when technology and business progressed at a rate that made some ideas obsolete.   As the NIs infiltrated the culture, more closed minded ideals were introduced and some if the Ryu peoples came to think in a similar way, much to the detriment of the Ryu Islands Spirit.   <sound of door closing to the speaking room>   All of this eventually led to the Goblin Race Conflict. It started with the death of a goblin who a NIs had falsely accused of stealing their apples and poisoning their cat when confronted. The family of the stealing goblin was dragged into the streets and shamed and beaten before the news spread to other villages. But this was exactly what the NIs infiltrators had wanted. They had spent years building a reputation (even though some saw through their pettiness and shunned them) they had a following that could lead to a revolution, and eventual overthrow of the Kingdom if enough people joined them.   The NIs plan was to stir up animosity within the Kingdom and cause infighting and strife among their own people. This would cause confusion and weaken the policies and rules of the Ryu Kingdom, and at the right moment, NIs would invade and take over the kingdom, arriving as saviors instead of the conquerors they actually were.   As we all know, in Ryu culture our artisans and scholars are highly regarded and respected. A small family can make a comfortable living off of pottery crafting or silk weaving textiles. These families are the backbone and heart of Ryu living and when some of them saw the threat developing form the NIs constantly degrading the Ryu Goblins, they watched mindfully and participated regularly in countering the voices of the negative with lore, culture, and by communicating with the goblins as they always have.   After many riots in the larger cities, the Goblin Race War was stamped out by the Ryu Peoples and through accidental espionage, it was found that the NIs had a long term plot to overthrow the Kingdom. Joining together, the Ryu people drove a wedge between the NIs main land government and the NIs spy's and rabble-rousers who had established themselves within the communities.   It is taught that if cautions not practiced, and accurate education of the past not taught to everyone, the Ryu people may once again have to fight for their way of life.
Conflict Type
Covert Operation


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