Congress of Northern Civilized Peoples Document in Iconast | World Anvil

Congress of Northern Civilized Peoples


The coming together of the Northern Realms, a Pact of Cooperation and Freindship

Document Structure


  1. All signing nations will hereby hold no agression towards other signatories of the treaty.
  2. The Congress of the Northern Civilized Peoples will be held Annually in November. This congress will vote on laws and mediate disputes between the nations of Northern Kagren. Each member will have 1 vote.
  3. The hosting nation will rotate alphabetically starting with The Artifice Alliance.
  4. Emergency Sessions of Congress will be held in the event of war declared on any signatory. This session will immediately vote whether the congress should involve themselves and defend the member.

Manuscript, Legal
Authoring Date
Winter of the Year 1001


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