Roadrim Organization in Howllands | World Anvil
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Roadrim is a small monarchy kingdom lining the coastal regions of The Rueful Plains near Mournful Bay. The territory that the kingdoms holds is littered with small villages and some large towns and even port cities. These large towns and port cities include Trout Town, Quiet Port, Giant's Harbor, King's Root, Fisher's Rest, Sea Well, Shipper's Bay, and Hill Crest. The current ruler is King Aaron III, at the beginning of his reign he was a kind king, boastful and brave at times but humble and wise in others. But as time grew long his mind slowly failed him and what once was a strong and able king became a frail, easily manipulable, paranoid old fool. Aside from King Aaron Roadrim and its settlements are run by a group of governors and guilds. Governor Reynard Lothbrook runs the small riverside fishing village of Trout Town. Quiet Port is run by Odo Greymaine a corrupt and criminally influential shipping industry head, at his back are a series of large criminal organizations that help run both his business and the port city. The Merchant's Guild runs a large portion of Giant's Harbor but the true figure head of the city is Governor Raymond Downes a pugilant man who manages the legislature of the city. King's Root is the capital city of Roadrim and is ruled directly by the king and his adviser Varis Yaeldrin a mysterious and subtle elf who mostly minds his own business when he is not helping the king. Fisher's Rest is run by The Voyagers a small group of sailors and ship builders that decided to unionize to the point of government. Governor Percival Mansfort II runs Sea Well a small port city on the southern coast of the kingdom. Shipper's Bay is run by Guild Master Cedric Bollin of The Naval Guild. Lastly the farming town of Hill Crest to the northern most part of the kingdom is run by Governor Ella Halvard a very strong and passionate woman.


The highest authority within Roadrim is King Aaron, beneath him is Varis his chief adviser. Below Varis are a slew of lesser advisers and royal family members. Beneath them lies the Guilds and other organizations that run the economy of the kingdom, and beneath all of them are the Governors the "figure heads" of their respective cities and towns.

Public Agenda

The preservation of the people, and the peace of the land.


The vast wealth of Roadrim is known to many kingdoms within the Howllands in times of more turbulent relations many wars were fought for the possession of this wealth. This wealth not only lies in gold and silver but in natural resources, fertile land, and a substantial naval force that rivals that of the ancient kingdoms from long ago. This wealth is protected by a free standing army of life time soldiers and sailors, these forces are spread across a vast network of outposts, castles, and naval bases.

Demography and Population

The port towns of Roadrim are the most diverse of all of them, as the constant trade between other kingdoms allows for other races to visit and even stay within the kingdom. Many of these foreign peoples are Wood Elves, High Evles, Halflings and some sects of Dwarves.


Roadrim has complete possession and occupation of the sun-most coastal region of Mournful Bay, but some of Roadrim's settlements spread farther north to about a mile away from the mountain pass called The Maw which connected The Rueful Plains from The Scorched Dunes.


The kingdom has a professional free standing army that serves directly under the king but command of this army has been delegated to Lord Commander Drogo Valline. Additionally to the army Roadrim also boasts an impressive armada of warships some 77 warships.


The primary religion practiced within many of the port cities including the capital of King's Root is The Seven Faith.

Foreign Relations

Roadrim has a trade truce with The Hidden Bark the Wood Elf kingdom of the Silent Vines. They also maintain a three way peace treaty with The Golden Sparrow Dynasty, The Bleak Sun Coaltion, and The Black Dragon Empire. Roadrim is currently at war with the Orc war band of the northern region of The Rueful Plains, known to all as The Hammer Shriek War Band.

Together, We Prosper, Apart, We Fade.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Sea Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Market economy
Gold coins
Legislative Body
The King and his advisers are the ones who decree the over arcing laws of the kingdom itself, but within each of the settlements the laws put forth by their ruling body are put on as additions.
Judicial Body
For matters of kingdom wide law the King himself will preside over the guilty parties sentencing. But for matters of local law it is the duty of the ruling body of that settlement to appoint a person who will be responsible for the trying and sentencing of the accused.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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