Kartr Character in Hoomanland | World Anvil


Kartr, Child of Emeryx

You're still a mistake. And it doesn't matter what you do, It's not going to make you any less of one.
— Kartr to Algernon
Kartr is a fairly successful entomologist who is very anti-social towards others. They are usually out doing research projects independently, bringing back results after going out in the wild for months at a time. They generally sound distant and disinterested in most things.            

Mental characteristics

Reunited after a research trip.

Education + Employment

Kartr has achieved high grades in both Facility Education and Environment and Agriculture Sector Education. Kartr is an entomologist and takes long research trips alone, generally months at a time. They used to work in a team as an assistant until they moved up to independently researching.

Personality Characteristics


Most of Kartr's motivation is from their desire to be in control and the fact they dislike the company of other hoomans. All Kartr wants is to do their research alone, and to be somewhere quiet when they won't get disturbed. The only person they would deem an exception to the rule is Flyx.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Insects - Kartr is extremely interested in insects and bugs.
  • Rain - Kartr finds the rain relaxing, and for the fact it increases insect activity afterwards.


  • Bug Collecting - Kartr likes to collect bugs both for their job and for fun. They usually keep live specimens but isn't opposed to bug pinning.
  • Rock Collecting - Kartr is also very fond of collecting different kinds of rocks while researching.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Self-Reliant - Kartr dislikes having to rely on others, and prefers to do tasks alone. Asking for help makes them feel inadequate.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Irresponsible - Kartr refuses to take responsibility for their mistakes, instead blaming others for it. When Kartr made the mistake of not taking birth control which lead to Algernon being born, they chose to dump them at the Child facilities, blaming them for being born and causing the rift between Kartr and Flyx.
  • Cold - Kartr comes off as extremely disinterested and uncaring, even to the people they do care about.
  • Petty - Kartr will always try to get the last word in arguments.

Contacts & Relations

  • Flyx - While Kartr comes off as cold and distant towards Flyx, they are the only person that Kartr cares about. Their relationship could be considered unhealthily codependent.
    The biggest rift that occurred in their relationship was when Kartr forced Flyx to help them abandon Algernon at the childcare facilities and tamper with medical documents so it couldn't be traced back to them.
  • Beckhan and Dismon- Kartr has a strained relationship with Flyx's parents, as they only tolerate Kartr because Flyx loves them a lot. Kartr tries to be polite to them, but that's the most they're willing to go and knows that Flyx's parents would much rather

Family Ties

  • Emeryx and Alexan - Kartr has been on non-speaking terms with both their parents since they left home. They had tried to put a lot of pressure and force Kartr to go into either Science and Pharmaceuticals or the Health + Social Care Sector, as well as severely restricting where and what they could do.
  • Algernon - Kartr is on horrible terms with Algernon and barely acknowledges them. They had abandoned Algernon to the child facilities as a newborn, as they never wanted a child but also didn't want to hand them over to their parents.
    They refuse to call Algernon by name, instead referring to them as "it" or "a mistake" and making it very clear they don't want anything to do with them. Seeing Algernon just irritates them.



Spouse (Vital)

Towards Kartr




Spouse (Vital)

Towards Flyx



Year of Birth
58 AC
Flyx (Spouse)
Light Blue, with 3 Sets of eyes.
Pale grey, currently just shorter than shoulder length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey, with a tint of blue.
Known Languages
Kartr can both speak and write in Nasgovian and Native Hooman.
Star Alignment
The Song of The Tektite

Character Portrait image: Kartr


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