Averyx Character in Hoomanland | World Anvil

Averyx (Ei-ver-ix)

Averyx, Child of Emex (a.k.a. The Scout)

Averyx became infected by pink blight after drinking a contaminated water supply. They fled out into the corrupted lands after hearing what the Science and pharmaceuticals does to afflicted patients. Despite now having a severe case of the disease, they are still very agile and quick. They try to stay optimistic to the others, but they are very depressed about their current state.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Averyx has blue-white skin, and 3 sets of blue eyes lined horizontally. They are afflicted with the Pink Blight at a late stage, which has caused abnormal eye growth on their arms and face.

Mental characteristics


Averyx has completed facility education and also Leisure, Sport and Tourism Sector Education.

Personality Characteristics


Averyx had always wanted to be a famous sports player, however, their dreams have been dashed as they wouldn't be allowed to play professionally anymore.

Likes & Dislikes


Sports - Averyx likes to keep active and enjoys many kinds of sports.    


Contacts & Relations

  Anka - Averyx spends most of their time with Anka and enjoys their presence.   Melo - Averyx is very fond of Melo, however find them to be very insensitive to their condition at times.   Elden - Averyx is greatful that Elden let them stay with the group, though gets weirded out by their ranting relating to Eidolon.   Kohren - Aveyx finds Kohren infuriating and irritating, to the point they will act aggressive towards them.   Lillya - Averyx finds Lillya small and cute, but worries about whether or not they should be living outside of the CityState.   Jexa - Averyx has had little contact with Jexa, but finds them much preferable to talk to than Kohren.
Current Location
Date of Birth
6th Maelon (6/1)
Year of Birth
86 AC
Blue, 3 sets, horizontal
Short, dark blue.
Star Alignment
The Song of The Zenith

Averyx by Nanotide


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