Mount Jeharoa: Frosted Gold Company Encampment Building / Landmark in Holos | World Anvil
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Mount Jeharoa: Frosted Gold Company Encampment

The Frosted Gold Company has recently set up an encampment on Mount Jeharoa just outside the Holy City of Jeharoa's outer walls. A large amount of laborers have been contracted to excavate the Mount, though none have been told what or why they are digging. Men in the Palace of Wisdom claim that the Company's presence has been sanctioned by Queen Theodosia I, though not until after the Company give the Queen a sizable gift.

Purpose / Function

Presently, the purpose of the FGC's camp in Jeharoa is unknown. It is believed that they are excavating parts of the old city to uncover goods for the Kingdom of Jeharoa or the Brotherhood of Bronze.

Sensory & Appearance

Against the western walls of the city, in the shadow of the glimmering domes and parapets of the Throne of Heaven, you see a dozen large tents surrounded by wooden watch towers. As you approach, you can see dozens, maybe hundreds of men—mostly Mashiqi and local kobolds in white dishdasha. They march in lines and dig long ditches five meters wide. Some of them stand on ruined sandstone once buried by debris, dirt, and sand while others guide mules and camels packed with shovels, picks, and mattocks. For every twenty laborers, you see ruddy officers sweating under chainmail. Their helms are not those of the Pilgrims, but bear a simple monogram—FGC.
Alternative Names
FGC Jeharoan Encampment
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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