Kir Minya Settlement in Holos | World Anvil
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Kir Minya

Kir Minya is a small town located on the shores of Lake Gannet in the Gennesaret Basin. In Mashiqi, the name means "Lemontree Hill." This derives from the old lemon orchards that are still frame the southern edge of the village.


  • Human: ~64%
  • Half-Elf: ~12%
  • Tiefling: ~9%
  • Dragonborn: ~9%
  • Other: ~6%
  • Mashiqi: ~84%
  • Qartagonian: ~9%
  • Pilgrim: ~7%


Kir Minya is under within the lands of Tybalt, Lord of Lake Gannet and Gennesaret. The Lordship of Lake Gannet falls within the rule of the Queen Theodosia I, sovereign of the Kingdom of Jeharoa. The village's headwoman is Mercy Zahrel and its reeve is Sir Crispin.


A small mound of earth about a meter and a half high surrounds the village square from back in the pre-Palladian era, but it is not maintained.

Industry & Trade

The largest two industries in Kir Minya are wheat and barely farming, and citrus (specifically lemon) cultivation. Most of the wheat not taken by the lord and reeve is used within the community, while almost all of the lemon crop is transported to the larger town of Tarak or to the city of Jeharoa.


Kir Minya has little in the way of public infrastructure. The roads within the main village square were paved centuries ago but the rest of the paths, trails, and roads are made of unpaved packed earth. Some farmers and traders set up shop in the village square but, as most folk aren't looking to trade things other than foods, the village's selection of goods is limited. Several important families own mills where local farmers can sell their surplus grain, but they are charged for this service. A series of docks can be found on the beaches of Lake Gannet but most of those are owned by fishermen and their families. Those who cannot afford docks simply slide their small rowboats onto shore at the end of each day.

Guilds and Factions

Kir Minya is ruled by the Kingdom of Jeharoa and its vassal the Lordship of the Gannet and Gennesaret. The Kingdom of Jeharoa is led by Queen Theodosia I while the local Lord Tybalt stewards the lake and the basin's lordship. The peace is supposed to be enforced by a group of constables under the instruction of Sir Crispin, the local reeve. However, Lord Tybalt has recalled Sir Crispin before his summoning to Jeharoa at the behest of Queen Theodosia. As a result, there are few full-time officers of the law located in the sleepy village at this time.   Located in the hills to the northwest is a group of kobolds called the Tinsappers. Most folk regard them as either a fable or a nuisance, as they only seem to bother the poor sheep herders that graze their flocks in that area. In recent weeks, more sightings of them have been reported and they appear to be growing bolder. Not much is known about them, apart from the fact they claim to be led by someone called "Littleclaw."


Kir Minya appears to date back to the Mithril Era, though nothing of note appears to have happened here. In the Palladian Era, the region's fertility and riches were utilized to help rebuild the splendor of Jeharoa and the first settlements of human slaves were established in the region. After the fall of the Palladian Empire, those slaves became freemen and worked the land in small family farms. Soon, the Qartagonians took over the region and brought in new settlers though both sides integrated fairly well. Since the Pilgrim Crusades, the region has been ruled by the Lord of the Gannet and the Gennesaret. Though few Pilgrims live here, it remains a place of fertility and rustic riches with many looking to purchase or take land from the small tenant farmers who still call the area home.


The main village square is located on a small hill overlooking fields of barley to the west, lemon orchards to the south, and Lake Gannet to the northeast. To the north east, the land rises slightly to form a rugged landscape not fit for growing crops. Some folk use the area to graze sheep and hardy cattle.

Natural Resources

The land around Kir Minya produces a great deal of agricultural riches including lemon and citrus fruits, wheat and barley, and fish from Lake Gannet. In the Palladian Era, some claim there was tin in the hills to the northwest but the mines have long since run dry. Now the area is only suitable for grazing sheep and hardy cattle.
Alternative Name(s)
Lemontree Hill
Inhabitant Demonym
Kir Minyan
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Important NPC Residents:
  • Mercy Zahrel
  • Sir Crispin
  • Littleclaw
  Associated NPCs:
  • Lord Tybalt
  • Queen Theodosia I

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