Kingdom of Érulad Organization in Holos | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Érulad

The Evergreen Kingdom

The Kingdom of Érulad is a monarchy based in the city of Roaldfast that rules over the entirety of the island of Érulad. Its national sigil is a golden crowned badger grappling a silver hippocampus on a vert/emerald field.


Érulad as a political entity is ruled by a high king or Ard-rí who is elected by the Five Earls. Each Earl rules with near absolute power their respective earldom. The Ard-rí simply acts as the representative of Érulad in international relations and in fact has very little power.


Stout halflings make up the majority of the population and work the fields, lived in the cities and make up the families of the Earls. Lightfoot halflings also known as “tramplers” have become something of pariahs within Éruladic society. They arrived on the island after being exiled from their homes in Férulad. In the 4th Age, they live in caravans that trade and travel between cities and towns selling wears and goods to the locals. They are tolerated for their willingness to venture into the dangerous wilderness and their reliability with goods but otherwise are considered scoundrels and people of loose morals.

Demography and Population

  • Stout halfling: ~49%
  • Lightfoot halfling: ~40%
  • Human: ~6%
  • Hill dwarf: ~3%
  • Other: ~3%


While most of Érulad’s stout halflings put their faith in the halfling gods of the Emerald Trinity, lightfoots are inclined towards the religion of the Heavenly Council or even the Fey religions. Druidic magic and divine magic are preferred by most in Érulad, though many lightfoots have experience with the arcane traditions and several may even travel with a wizard or warlock in their party.
Founding Date
Mithril Era
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Evergreen Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Qingu currency: copper seeds, silver stars, electrum locks, gold royals, platinum oaths.
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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