History and Lore Surrounding the Elven Remnant Myth in Hollowlight | World Anvil
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History and Lore Surrounding the Elven Remnant

Mizuho's transient lifestyle before becoming involved in the machinations of The Herald afforded her the opportunity to hear many stories from other travelers. This has allowed her to collect a body of folk lore, songs, and histories about varied topics including Elves. While details about their history were sparse and guarded by any Elven tracker or trader she meant. Stories about their folk lore and more recent history were more easily imparted. Collected here is a abbreviated list of the information she has collected on The Elven Remnant over her travels. Timeline references in History of The Elves are given in years through Elven reckoning.  They record the current year as the 3039th year of the Broken Remnant.

Origins of the Elves

The Elves claim that they were originally a dream that the World had. So beautiful and elegant was the dream that it took form. It was thus that the first Elves stepped from the Realm of Dreams and onto the surface of Korris in the great forests of The Western Wilds.

Notes on Elven Dreaming

Elves appear to not require sleep like most other humanoid creatures on Iolivus. Instead they enter into a meditative reverie where they experience a dream like trance. They believe this trance connects them to the spirits of nature and their ancestors.

Elven Mysticism

All accounts point to the Elves practicing a sort of shamanistic mysticism that reveres the natural world. They endeavor to live in harmony with their surroundings and are accomplished survivalists. When asked about their beliefs and religious practices they will often answer that they used to have gods but they killed them in order to save the world. Some elves practice a type of hero worship where they revere the deeds and names of the ancient warriors who slew their pantheon. They will often recount stories around a camp fire of one of these heroes confronting a mighty beast. Sometimes the hero emerges victorious, other times the battle costs them their life but, always the story ends with the Elven people being saved and allowed to continue their lives in harmony with nature.

Contact with the Negresti Empire

The first Negresti expeditions through The Ashcut Pass found what they thought was a new, uninhabited territory west of the Wyrmwall mountains. On the western side of the pass, Negresti explorers founded the settlement of Wildgate to serve as a base for the exploration of The Western Wilds. The further exploration west and into the forests of The Western Wilds results in the first encounters with the closest Elven Faens. A brief war was fought between the Negresti and the Elves as each vied for control over the region that has been dubbed 'The Gate War'.   The Gate War concludes with the Elven Speakers making a decree that all Elven Faens will retreat from the area near The Ashcut Pass to allow for the migration of the Negresti people without further hostility or bloodshed. A sufficient area was evacuated of Elven settlements and the people belonging to Faens inside the annexed area were accepted into other Faens further from Negresti influence. Some small groups of Elves resisted the action and small conflicts and raids were fought with Negresti migrants but the decree was largely accepted by most of the Elven people.

Negresti Expansion in the Western Wilds

Negresti exploration teams and migration caravans poured into the area vacated in The Western Annex and began settling along the major river system that flows through the area. Logging and farming settlements began establishing themselves along the River Ild partially supported through trade with Elves from nearby Faens. Some trust is gained between the peoples but it is also eroded by regular skirmishes and misunderstandings as the two cultural boundaries interact. Elves are regularly seen in Negresti settlements but a simmering mutual distrust is still present between most Elves and Negresti.
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