Hi-No Emperor Worship Organization in Hijr | World Anvil

Hi-No Emperor Worship

"There he stood atop his dais, wreathed in golden flame! The god-Emperor himself! He blessed us with his presence, truly we are consecrated by his holy light. We must offer sacrifices and tithes to the state for this great honor, and I know now that my Sons will fight with blessed fervor in the battles ahead!" - A Hobgoblin villager, after seeing the traveling procession of the emperor through the city streets.


At the top of the pantheon stands the Emperor, acting as a living godhead of his peoples. While the Emperor himself is not considered a god, his position instills power and religious authority upon him. Due to his position, the Emperor of the Hi-No Hitobito has full authority over all peoples, he is to be followed unquestioningly, and to see him in person is considered a blessing. To be commanded by him is considered the greatest honor a being can achieve.   Beneath the Emperor in standing are the nine Chongjang, or "Master Generals", these leaders are raised to demi-god status within the official state religion, and are second in authority and power only to the Emperor himself.

Public Agenda

The state religion exists as a type of Public Order, all peoples know the precepts of faith, and are expected to obey them at all times.


Founded some 75 years after the empire itself, it started as a way to honor their leaders with gifts and tribute. After more than 200 years of practice it expanded into a fervent state religion.

Mythology & Lore

It is firmly believed by practitioners that their Emperor is a higher being than normal Hobgoblins. They know that his station instills him with divine spiritual power, offering him immense strength, wisdom and a supernaturally long life.   It is believed that the first emperor ascended to this higher state during the great wars of unification, around -350 CE, the then warlord Ten'No Akalatic stepped from this world into the spirit realm, a place of fire and ash, and returned with the strength needed to conquer and unify the warring hobgoblin tribes. In unifying the peoples of this region, he was crowned the first Emperor, and the Hi-No Hitobito (Fire Peoples) were born.

Tenets of Faith

Prime Tenet: Honor and obey your Emperor.

Second Tenet: Honor and obey your Chonjang.

Third Tenet: Work always to better the empire above yourself.

Fourth Tenet: Strive always to become better, and live with honor.

Fifth Tenet: Always give offerings and thanks to the state, to honor your Emperor.

Sixth Tenet: Defend your Empire and your neighbor against all threats.


Honor and obedience are paramount; Above all else people are trained to respect authority, and follow the military hierarchy of their nation.

The people are expected to serve the empire above themselves, but also to better themselves to better serve the empire.

People are expected to tithe 25% of all their earnings and produce to the state (as a Tax), to better the empire.

It is believed that following the tenets of faith, they bring honor and power to the Emperor, and thereby to the empire.


Prayers are offered to the emperor by all peoples of the empire at sunrise, and sunset. These prayers are simple thanks, to show appreciation of the great empire in which they are blessed to dwell in safety and (relative) prosperity.  

Small golden braziers are available in all homes within the empire, these are used to burn incense (Day and Night) as offerings to the Emperor. Other physical offerings are left at specified roadside shrines, which are visited regularly by tithe collectors to distribute the wealth where needed in the empire.  

On holy nights, paper lanterns are lit, and left along roadsides to mark the path for safe travel.


All generals and high-ranking officials within the Hi-No Hitobito are, in some regard, considered priests or officiants of the state religion.

Granted Divine Powers

Ten'No Masutā is rumored to have superhuman strength, wisdom and a supernaturally long life.


All peoples of the empire serve the state religion, as it is as much law or commerce. However there is a more dedicated sect, known as the "Fire-Lotus Council" that act as lawgivers and judges. Serving directly beneath the first Chongjang, this council is made up of elder Hobgoblins who have lived their lives in strict adherence to the military and religious codes of the empire, and have been given the authority to judge others in maters of law.
Founding Date
-275 CE
Religious, Primacy
Alternative Names
Hi-No Fire Praying, Hobgoblin Spirit King
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations


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