Allpak (ALL-pack)

The Allpak are a nomadic society of hunter-gatherers living in the unforgiving, frozen north. They are expert hunters and dog-sled drivers, able to move hundreds of miles over difficult terrain with only a team of well trained hounds and a specially designed sled. These White and Grey furred Hobgoblins are traditionally isolationist, though they do engage in trade with cultures living south of them twice a year when they travel to the Allpak South Tradepost, at the northern edge of the Grande Rocc.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adlartok (Clear Sky), Ahnah (Wise Woman), Akna (Spirit of Childbirth), Alasie (Honest & Noble), Amaruq (White Wolf), Amka (Friendly Spirit), Anjij (Grace), Aput (Ice), Arnaaluk (Large Woman), Arnaq (Girl), Atiqtalaaq (Polar Bear Cub), Cupun (Coal), Ikiaq (Spruce Tree), Kallik (Lightning), Kireama (Hill), Meriwa (Thorn or Bramble), Nanurjuk (Stars), Tapeesa (Arctic Flower), Ticasuk (Holds much knowledge), Uki (Survivor), Uukkarnit (Carved Ice), Yuka (A very bright Star), Yura (Beautiful One).

Masculine names

Amaquaq (Strong), Amaruk (Black Wolf), Inuksuk (Stone marker, Cairn), Kallic (Lightning), Kanaaq (Lower Leg), Nootaikok (Iceberg Spirit), Pana (Caring Spirit), Qimmiq (Dog), Silla (Sky Spirit), Taqtu (Kidney), Tekkeitsertok (Spirit Hunter), Tiguaak (Adopted son), Toklo (Spontaneous), Tonraq (Tiny Man), Torngarsuk (Wind Spirit), Tukkuttok (Generous Man), Tulimak (Rib), Tulok (Warrior Spirit), Tulugaak (Raven), Ujurak (Rock or Stone), Umiaktorvik (River), Yutu (To Claw or Scratch).

Family names

Alapan, Allap, Alpacal, Alpacc, Apala, Aplacan, Aplanan, Lalac, Lapak, Lapalla, Laplal, Pacalan, Pacalla, Palcal, Palpacana, Palpak.


Major language groups and dialects

Allpak hobgoblins speak a unique dialect of Goblin. Some select members of the tribe, particularly those who engage in trade with southern nations, also know some rudimentary common or dwarvish.

Average technological level

Late stone age, Early bronze age

Common Dress code

Allpak typically wear light tan, light grey, and white dyed furs and leathers.
Blue and green beads or pained leather strips are seen as high fashion, and are happily incorporated into almost all clothing.

Art & Architecture

Scrimshaw (Carved bone), stone and bone sculptures, as well as painted hides.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Allpak typically inter their dead under cairns of stones for 120 days after death. Originally this tradition was a way to ensure that any disease that may have killed the person is long dead or dormant, but it is now seen as a spiritual practice as well. After this 120 day period, the bodies are retrieved from the cairn and cut up into chunks. These chunks are used to catch fish and seals, as well as fed to the tribes hunting hawks and sled dogs. This is seen as a noble sacrifice, for the benefit of the tribe as a whole.

Common Taboos

It is seen as inappropriate and rude to touch the bare hand of an Allpak, unless you are the spouse or child of that individual.
Allpak see their hands as vital tools, as well as sensitive and intimate. As such, only those closest to them may touch their bare hands; Gloves are typically worn at all times outside of the home.


Beauty Ideals

Both male and female Allpak believe that short trimmed and neatly kept hair is ideal.
Culturally, blue eyes are seen as more attractive than brown or green, but those with Complete heterochromia (one blue eye and one brown or green eye) are seen as most attractive.

Gender Ideals

In Allpak society it is believed that both males and females are equal in most things.
It is seen as the males job to raise and teach male young once they are weaned. Similarly it is seen as a females job to raise and teach the female young.
While any Allpak can do nearly any profession, males typically hunt and fish, while females maintain the tents and sleds.
Only a female may serve as the tribes spiritual leader, usually the oldest or wisest female.
Any member of the tribe that finds they do not identify as male or female during adolescence may continue to act, dress or work in any way they choose, so long as it results in a continued benefit for the tribe.

Relationship Ideals

Allpak are traditionally monogamous. However if a partner is lost to sickness or accidental death the remaining spouse may court and pair with any other tribe member after a brief mourning period. This is seen as normal and practical, and there is no shame or stigma revolving around second or third pairings.

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