Tojo Clan Organization in Hidora Ga Gotoku | World Anvil

Tojo Clan (トジョ カイ To-jo Kai)

The Tojo Clan stood as the second most dominant yakuza organization in the entire country, humbly bowing to the mighty Omi Alliance reigning in the western parts of Japan. Its inception traced back to the visionary leadership of the esteemed Makoto Tojo, a figure forever etched in the annals of yakuza history. From modest beginnings, they ascended to unparalleled heights, amassing a vast alliance of over 100 families and boasting a staggering count of more than 30,000 dedicated members, all sworn to uphold their code and safeguard their interests. The heart of the Tojo Clan pulsed within the bustling streets of Tokyo itself, where their imposing headquarters stood as a testament to their power and influence. From this epicenter, their influence extended like the outstretched limbs of a fearsome dragon, touching every corner of the Kanto region and leaving an indelible mark upon the land.   However, dear civilians, the wielding of such immense power carried great responsibility. The Tojo Clan strived to maintain a delicate balance, navigating the intricate web of honor, tradition, and loyalty. They endeavored to coexist with the world, recognizing that in their quest for prosperity and survival, they must ensure the peace and well-being of the communities they inhabited.   As you delve into the chronicles of the Tojo Clan, remember that the yakuza path was a double-edged sword—where honor came with sacrifice, and power with responsibility. Their tale was interwoven with that of Japan itself, a testament to the indomitable spirit that thrived within those ancient lands.   Respect their traditions, heed their stories, but always tread cautiously, for the path of the yakuza was not one meant for the faint-hearted.


In 1980, the Tojo was involved a significant event a massacre that took place, involving a conflict between two factions in Kamurocho. The Tojo Clan had a long-standing history, dating back to 1968, which linked them to a series of unfortunate incidents. Another noteworthy event occurred in 1985, with a hit that went awry, leading to further complications for the Tojo Clan. In the following years, the clan seemed to prosper under the leadership of certain individuals, but it wasn't without its challenges. By 2005, a critical incident shook the clan, causing internal conflicts over a substantial amount of missing funds and a vacant leadership position. The situation further intensified in 2006, with a reformation plan that sparked fierce competition within the clan's ranks.   Amid these upheavals, the Tojo Clan saw both periods of stability and uncertainty. Key figures played pivotal roles in shaping the organization's direction. In 2012, a controversial plan was set in motion, bringing both advantages and controversies.   By 2016, the Tojo Clan found itself entangled in intricate matters, and its top officials faced dire consequences. A temporary leadership arrangement was put in place, leading to unforeseen alliances and decisions.


In 2017, the newly-elected governor of Tokyo, enacted the Kamurocho 3K Plan to weaken and eventually eliminate the Tojo Clan. Masumi Arakawa, under orders from the Sixth Chairman, leaked intel to help the plan pass and allow the Tojo leadership to carry out their plan.#   By 2019, it has collapsed entirely under the combined pressure of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force and the Omi Alliance. Both Daigo Dojima and Masaru Watase planned to use the 3K Plan to weaken the Omi Alliance and allow dissolution of both factions to go smoothly, as the strong anti-yakuza laws have made it too difficult for the yakuza lifestyle to continue. They submit a letter of disbandment of the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance to the police and plan to form a legitimate security company based in Osaka together.

1881 - 2019

Alternative Names
Tojo Kai
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Subsidiary Organizations


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