King of Illtresi Rank/Title in Hesli | World Anvil

King of Illtresi

Ruler of great lands in Eshil, the King of Illtresi stands at the heart of its kingdom. Contrary to most conventional kingdoms, this one does not chose it's king based on lineage. Rather, they have a good person leading them to victory and prosperity.  
Have you met our King yet? He's the best! He once saved my son from a horde of Gundais, even though my son was supposed to protect him! That is the kind of King I life for, one that treats us with kindness.
— A proud father

Father Figure

To the people of Eshil, and in particular the people of Illtresi, it is important that the King reflects their desire: having a father figure watching over them as one big family. This means helping the common man by passing laws that favour even the poorest of civilians in some way, and protecting his subjects to the best of his abilities by showing command over his army.   Of course, a father is expected to discipline his children and therefore the people accept the same treatment from their King. Tax must be paid and if not, punishment will follow. Same goes for breaking the law. While the King doesn't involve himself with these activities directly, the subjects view the keepers of law and order as an extension of the King's hand.   The King primarily keeps busy with political relations in and outside of the kingdom. With the help of his lovely Queen and a squad of the best Kingsmen provided by Limani, he travels all over the region to keep in touch with his people. They travel like normal people on Ottback. No fancy clothing, no nothing. The only thing giving away it's a King's envoy are the heavy hitters surrounding the King at all times to prevent him and the Queen from getting hurt.
Table of Contents
Royalty, Honorific / Ceremonial
Honourary but still with certain powers
Form of Address
His Highness
Source of Authority
Chosen by the People for their Deeds to the World
Length of Term
Until Retired or Dead
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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