Jaspar Arlstaph Character in Helvara | World Anvil
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Jaspar Arlstaph

Baron Jaspar Arlstaph

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jaspar Arlstaph was not born into nobility, but rather considers himself to be a self-made baron. The Arlstaphs were a family of formidable reputation and held the sole rights of husbandry to govern a considerable amount of lands, both in lusciousness and size, around the region of Vensia. This allowed the family to fund Jaspar's education at the Academy in Lorsen. At the academy Arlstaph was not even close to be considered the brightest student, but his charisma and resourcefulness soon paid off and he was send to further his education at the Imperial Academy, where he had the opportunity to form many connections that would aid him later in his life. After his nineteenth birthday Jaspar returned to the Salternian border-town of Briga, which was the closest smalltown to his families lands and had an advantageous position on the river Rhyn. There he worked his way up the hierarchy. First, he started as a scribe for the alderman, whom he soon told of his ambitious ideas and plans for the town. The alderman was so convinced that he gave Jaspar a leave to travel to the larger merchant-cities to further his network. He did this several times, and each time returned with promising contracts and opportunities. Although, he greatly improved Briga's crafting and trading and consequently its financial situation, his big break would not come before war broke out. Jaspar offered to take up the task of escorting the foreign betrothed of the Salternian heir through the mountains that separated the kingdom from its neighbour. For his success he was compensated generously but, more importantly, gained reputation and fame all over the kingdom. When he himself married a few months later, he had a hefty dowry to invest in improving that very same passage through the mountains. His new wife's family, who appointed the local head of faith at the time, and their relatives in high positions up to the Imperial court made Jaspar even more powerful. From there on he was considered the local authority in organizing travel across the pass and soon got granted exclusive right to do so by the king himself. Arlstaph's extensive network allowed him to have his road excluded from any wars and disputes between the kingdoms. Slowly, he was able to build many a monopole from his trades. Without anyone really noticing he rose to be one of the richest men in Salternia before the age of forty. Arlstaph's wife turned out to be just as strategic as him, only with organizing advantageous marriages of their many daughters and profiting from nepotism, before long many offices in and beyond the region of Vensia depended on the goodwill of the Arlstaphs. It was this that firmly set Jaspar Arlstaph on the path of becoming a baron. Seven years ago, the king has decided to finally make Briga and its surrounding lands into a barony and Jaspar Arlstaph officially got appointes to what he had long been called behind closed doors: The Baron of Vensia. Yet, after theage of forty he keeps on being an ambitious man who reaches ever higher and ever further. In current times, no one seems to have an overview of what businesses the Arlstaphs have going on exactly. What is peculiar though is how void of young men the villages and towns of Vensia seem to be in wake of Jaspars idea to build a thriving mercenary economy off of his lands. The baron himself is lately often seen away at various foreign courts, notably of nations at war.
Current Status
Baron of Vensia
Intelligent eyes, always analyzing
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skin
Aligned Organization


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