Zahia Samitah Character in Helios | World Anvil
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Zahia Samitah

Ardent Zahia Amk Rashim Amk Samitah ifra Rashim

Zahia has proven a fanatic follower of the Radiant, having given most of her life now the cause of Rashim’s destiny. Until her ascension she walked Kathlam in self-imposed exile during the long months of the harrow storm, walking into the quiet desert night in search of answers spending years of life battling the undead for days on end protecting minor villages and caravans that no one would not be protected by the Sunborn even during the darkest days of Kahtlam.     Upon her return she challenged the Ardent with permission with from the Radiant, who was impressed with her dedication, for, during her long service of the night, her body had become a living testament to her dedication and power, littered with scars, burnt flesh, and necrotic patches of flesh, marked by the flesh carved runes of her flesh, she was ugly thing to behold in the perfection that was found in the Sol Palace, but her fire burned so brightly that she could not be denied.     Thus did she slay the previous Ardent, uncaring of the damage she took, for she had a mission, she would become Ardent to promote the forgotten people of rashim, those beyond its sentry walls, those beyond the sight of the radiant and cities. She has also proven to hold great sympathy for Chimera, allowing them service in her family, for as Matriach of Samitah and Ardent of Rashim, there are few who would openly deny a recommendation from her.         With her rise to power, there are many whispers, could this mark the rise of Samitah once more, or be the herald of even greater things?
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