Vampyria Condition in Helaeron | World Anvil


Sanguar Plaera, the blood disease carried by all Vampyre Men. The Legacy of the Original Vampyres who came before. It is this virus that creates the Vampyres of the present day. And is passed on to their progeny by traditional procreation as it is for the Vampyres born of the ingesting of their Sires Blood. It is a viral infection that invades the blood itself. And, as is presently understood, cannot be cured by concoction or spell.

Transmission & Vectors

Exposure by ingestion or open wounds of blood infected with the Vampyres Curse. Or by natural birth from carrying parents.


The vector is catalyzed immediately upon contact with uninfected blood. It seeks every red blood cell in the body and feeds. It is a long and painful process. Sufferers feel as though their entire body were on fire from the inside.


The body will begin to feel weak from the attack on the blood flowing in the sufferers veins as well as blood already saturating muscle tissue and vital organs. The sensation is described as being on fire from the inside.

The skin will grow pale. All nutritional integrity in the blood disappears as the vector takes over the body.

The pulse will grow nil. Slowly winding down until the body can barely function.

The infected will die. But will not stay dead.


No. Effective. Treatment. Exists.

Affected Groups

Any and All Human contractors of the vector.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species


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