The Old Songs Tradition / Ritual in Helaeron | World Anvil

The Old Songs

The oral traditions of the Artean Men as they were in Old Artea. These songs chronicle the history, myths, culture, and dreams of the Men of Old. And were the foundations of the way of life for the The Ellician Empire.

The Old Songs were first bore by Ellicia . The Wife of Animar The Honored and First Queen of Men. She would travel like a pilgrim to other lands. Collecting their songs. To bring the Songs of the First Men together again. 
She would only live long enough to collect the stories of those races of Men that had landed on the continent of Aederos. Leaving it up to her daughter Ellara of the Old Songs, to carry on with the work.

When the Ellician Kingdom became The Ellician Empire. All the songs of Mankind were gathered. Not horded or kept behind walls and closed doors. They were freely sung. And gladly heard by all.

If language is the voice of an entire people. Then Music is the Spirit. Such is the bedrock belief of the Daughters of the Old Songs. A great Sisterhood of Scholars and Poets who keep the Old Songs alive. A sisterhood that is as old as the Old Empire.

The Old Songs are still sung today. Sung by the Daughters of the Old Songs where ever they make a home for themselves. Each carrying in their voices and in their hearts the Spirits of all the Races of Men. And when joined together, they sing forth the Spirit of Mankind itself.


Ceremonial Singing with precise notes and harmonies.

Components and tools

Human Vocal Cords.


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