The Fangs of the World Geographic Location in Helaeron | World Anvil

The Fangs of the World

In the farthest north that any from among the Elder Races or the Young Races have ever dared to tread. Where no tree, plant, or animal can survive. There stands five great towers of the earth. Jutting up from a frozen land and reaching high into the clouds. Cutting them like the fangs of a great beast as it bites into flesh. 
Such is the intimidating and overwhelming vista that is the Fangs of the World. Called Thaangjodfaalr in the Skaadic tongue. The Fangs of the World are the tallest mountains on the planet. Tall enough to reach high into the nearly ever cloudy sky above Bulgaard with many branching jagged mountains jutting from them. No goat or snow leopard or any other animal that ordinarily would dwell in a mountain range lives there. Seemingly, nothing can survive there. Except for Ice Giants, and the truly most stubborn of Skaari Men who would wear the title of warrior.

Despite the insurmountable heights, explorers have reached high enough on the titanic mountains to see to the other side. Where the precious few of such brave individuals have returned from to report that there is land beyond the mountain range. Yet they report also, that cold-eyed giants taller than any other reside. Claiming that the Fangs of the World serve as a kind of wall between the Known World, and what is surely a Frozen Hell. Populated only by ancient, outcast horrors. And foolhardy madmen.


Towers of stone and ice running high to the heavens. With skin of jagged ice and stone blanketing the ancient mountains. Empirically naked of any growing thing. As though living things were the sworn enemies of these intimidating mountains.

Fauna & Flora

Nothing that grows and nothing that lives can survive here. Only the truly stubborn hearted dare come here.

Natural Resources

The Fangs of the World are rich in Iron, Copper, and various other metals and minerals.


First discovered by explorers when the Artean Men first landed in what would become known as Bulgaard. The mountains seemed to tower over the entirety of the world itself.

It was the idea of the Dwarves of Khar Orkan to build fortress complexes into them. For they had contended with the Ice Giants before the Arteans came. In time, however, an accord was reached between the Dwarves of Khar Orkan and the Arteans who eventually called themselves Skaari Men. By which, the Dwarves would relinquish dominion of the Fortress complexes to the Skaari. For they had proven not only a willingness to fight Ice Giants, but a previously unheard of proficiency at it as well.

Today, the Fortress Complexes of the titanic mountains are populated primarily by many warriors from among the Rigr Skaari who wear the title of Slayer.
Alternative Name(s)
Mountain Range
Location under


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