Moroiva Vampyre Tribe Organization in Helaeron | World Anvil

Moroiva Vampyre Tribe

One of the Tribes of Vampyre Men descended from Maarik the Bloodweaver by one born of Offered Blood. Called Ofirat Vampyres or Offered Bloods by their Trueborn contemporaries.
The Moroiva were meant to be the Mariners and naval captains of The Kingdom of the Vampyres. But when The Ellician Empire expanded east and smashed the Vampyre Kingdom. The Moroiva had to flee to the fringes of The Heartland. Even fleeing to islands in The Shattered Sea, doomed to starve with minimal blood sources.
Many are still in The Heartland. Making their way in service to Pyrnasc Vampyres of the Dumare Vampyre Tribe. Though they live as second class citizens.
Founding Date
Third Aeon, 788
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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