Dughl Bylora Vodekya Item in Helaeron | World Anvil

Dughl Bylora Vodekya (Dool B-ye-lor-ah Vod-k-ya)

"Spirit of Yore" as is translated from Esterassi. Dughl Bylora is a High End Estervali Vodekya and traditional drink of choice among both the Peasantry and the High Society of The Estervali of The Kingdom of Esterval. Brewed from the Zylto Wheat native to the wide sprawling fields surrounding The Great Autumnwood Forest and Spring water triple filtered through layers of limestone. The result is a striking spirit that warms the body, relieves pain, and numbs the senses. Though drinking it sober will be a rush to the senses. Yet many will order a round of the brew in shots as a celebration or in an attempt to forget their worries.

The spirit can be found in taphouses, beer halls, and liquor cabinets through out Esterval for a heavy price. A rare purchase for the common citizen of Esterval. Only ever purchased on special occasions and for great celebrations. The only ones who can afford it in ample supply are the Nobility of Esterval. A delight they partake in often.

In recent years, the illustrious Vodekya began to appear on shelves and in storehouses in The Kingdom of Lennistine, The Kingdom of Vyrantis, and in The Kingdom of Askerbor. Having been drawn to the lucrative trade prominence of Lennistine and Vyrantis. Askerbor only embraced the drink recently as its rise to the world stage gained momentum. The Kingdom of Dekmire would not trade in the brew for nearly a hundred years. Reluctant to give its hereditary rival a single piece of Dekmirian Coin. After The Longest Winter, however, an exception had to be made in order to ensure the survival of the economy of the Griffon Kingdom.

Dughl Bylora is even making an appearance in the territories of The Abkari Federation across The Shattered Sea. Where it is traded for spices and Kofa alongside other varying goods and rarities.


For the Estervali, it is the premium brand of a traditional spirit. On large scale and rare occasions, a bottle, or even whole kegs of Dughl Bylora are purchased and enjoyed by hundreds all year round. Weddings, Birthdays, Business start ups, on and on and on. The drink marks many such occasions and singular happenings. Being raised in glasses held up in meriment and joy without restraint. The import of the occasion outweighing the steepness of the price each time.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Current Location
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Owning Organization
Common in Esterval.
Uncommon in Lennistine, Vyrantis, and Askerbor.
Rare in Dekmire.
Base Price
3 Silver Pieces per glass, 50 Gold Pieces per keg


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