Sterling Mantle Item in Heimaalin | World Anvil

Sterling Mantle

Wondrous item, rare

These silvery-white capes, worn by the leading members of the Argent Company, are made of fine silk and lined with the down feathers of Roc hatchlings. Manufactered by the Cadougan Sundry Shipping Co., the capes were presented to the Company's founding members in Dalhurst prior to the Company's final journey north to halt the Great Frost. Imbued with powerful enchantments by the foremost artificers in Westwythe, these garments seem to enhance each member's natural skills and abilities. Additionally, it is said that while the capes are worn, the wearer's clothes and armour cannot be soiled or tarnished by nonmagical means.   Bogurt
You have advantage on Intelligence (Nature) and Wisdom (Survival) checks to recall information on flora and fauna or to track a creature.
  George Cadougan
You have advantage on Intelligence (History) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks to recall information on foreign affairs or to convince someone of something.
  Kastus Iharovich
You have advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks to identify magical objects and effects or to search an area for information.
  Leighton Allister
You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) and Wisdom (Insight) checks to perform a feat of strength or to gauge someone's intentions.
  Vesser Highmore
You have advantage on Intelligence (Nature) and Wisdom (Medicine) checks to identify unknown creatures or to stabilize a fallen ally.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Creation Date
September of 428 AU
Owning Organization
2 lb.
Base Price
~5,000 Wythian Glatium
Current Wearers
George Cadougan
Kastus Iharovich
Leighton Allister
Vesser Highmore