Book of the Crown's Justice

The Book of the Crown's Justice is the book of law of the Tightish Empire, originally written by King Edward and not changed since.


The book represents the will of the Crown , which is the will of the people, which is the law. The law must be followed, and who does not follow the law will be punished according to the law, so long as they are not pardoned as stated in the law.

Document Structure


The book begins by defining the basic legal terminology, such as what an 'individual' or 'offender' is, and introducing the legal matrix together with the three ways of harm: physical, mental and economic. It also demands that all who come in contact with the law shall be informed of all matters concerning their trial and it's objectivity and transparency towards offenders and victims alike.
The second part describes the principles of justice that should always be upheld, and that it is the Crown's duty to guarantee the upholding of these values for all eternity.
The third part dictates that all punishments shall be in the form of imprisonment only, so as to prevent inequality towards the poor. It elaborates on the requirements of prisons and how they should be a center of reform and act as a source of hope and progress. It shall also act as a source of income to the Crown.
The fourth and central part of the book describes the six divisions of offence, namely:
  1. Bloodshed, legal code PP (double-physical)
  2. Cruelty, legal codes PM (physical-mental) or MP (mental-physical)
  3. Waste, legal codes PE (physical-economic) or EP (economic-physical)
  4. Intimidation, legal codes MM (double-mental)
  5. Misinformation, legal codes ME (mental-economic) or EM (economic-mental)
  6. Obstruction, legal codes EE (double-economic)
The legal codes are used in professional circles and government documents for concise communication. The first letter is the stronger of the two, so causing damage to a bridge may be PE, but if the cost of repairs is lower than the resulting loss in traffic or trade then id may be EP. The order is not important from a legal standpoint, only aiding in providing more contextual information at a glance.

Historical Details


During the time before King Edward became ruler of Tightland he developed an objective legal system where it was always clear what was agreeable and what was not, where the punishments would always be fair and there would be no gray areas.
Decree, Governmental
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)

Cover image: by A Lambent Eye


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