Gargu-Kyani or White Orc Species in Hârn: Isle of Mysts, Magick & Mystery | World Anvil

Gargu-Kyani or White Orc

At an average height of about four and a half feet, the Gargu-Kyani (white orc) are the second smallest of the subspecies. Their fur ranges in color from light brown to off-white. Although they sometimes roam in woodland bands like the Gargu-Araki, they usually build cave complexes in alpine regions.  Some bands of Kyani are nomadic however, they are more likely to build cave complexes in alpine locations covered. Tribes range from 200 to 1,200 in size. 

They often keep dogs or wolves as pets, which they do not maltreat too much. 

They tend to produce finer artifacts and are particularly creative with silver, a metal they treasure above all else. They will trade trade silver for an equal weight of gold!
  The Kyani have the highest sense of tribal identification, practice a ritualistic 'code of honor' that centers around the survival of the tribe. Individuals of the tribe are deemed of lesser importance. When food supplies run low, the elderly and weak expect to be sacrificed and eaten.
  Although like all Gargun the Kyani have an evil reputation, veteran travelers know them to be the least prone to violence and a sense honor and respect for courage, allowing many humans to survive encounters with them. However, they consider cowardice or those who dishonor themselves worthy of a slow and painful death before being consumed.
Gargu-Kyani by Richard Luschek

Cover image: by Richard Luschek


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