Blue Kale Species in Harmony | World Anvil

Blue Kale

Blue Kale is a plant native to the cold, harsh mountains of eastern Cadenar. It is easily recognized by its deep blue leaves and flowers, which are said to either be as vibrant as the clear blue sky, or as gloomy as the deepest ocean. However, despite its beautiful appearance, blue kale is extremely toxic and should be avoided at all costs.

The leaves of blue kale contain a powerful neurotoxin that can cause severe hallucinations and disorientation if ingested. It is said that those who eat the leaves of the plant become lost in a dreamlike state, unable to distinguish reality from their own delirious thoughts. In severe cases, the neurotoxin can cause coma or death. The plant's toxic properties are not limited to its leaves, however. The blue-hued sap that flows through its veins is also poisonous and can cause severe irritation and burns if it comes into contact with the skin of most humanoids.

Despite its dangerous nature, blue kale is highly prized among the Goliath, and most tribes cultivate it for unknown purposes. It is theorized that they use the sap of the plant as tattoo ink, as this substance is highly poisonous, and even touching the tattooed skin of a goliath may cause irritation among non-giantkind.
by Midjourney

Cover image: by PrippyMontyPoppyCock


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