The Pitcher and the Pitchfork Building / Landmark in Haranshire | World Anvil

The Pitcher and the Pitchfork

The Pitcher and Pitchfork is the sole tavern and hostelry in the quiet village of Harlaton. Nestled within the heart of the village, this cozy establishment serves as a gathering place for the local residents and a hub of social activity. Its rustic exterior, adorned with a wooden sign depicting a pitcher and a pitchfork crossed, welcomes weary travelers and curious adventurers alike.   Inside, the tavern exudes warmth and simplicity. The walls are adorned with pastoral scenes and faded tapestries depicting the bountiful fields and rolling hills of the surrounding countryside. Wooden beams traverse the ceiling, adding to the establishment's rustic charm. The air is filled with the comforting aroma of hearty meals and the sound of cheerful conversations. Over the hearth the skin of an especially large male mountain lion is on display.   The owner of the Pitcher and Pitchfork is a stout and jovial individual named Hilda Goodfellow. Hilda is a middle-aged woman with a warm smile and a boisterous personality. She possesses an impressive knowledge of local folklore and legends, often regaling patrons with tales of the region's history. Hilda is known for her delicious home-cooked meals, including hearty stews, freshly baked bread, and locally brewed ales. With her welcoming nature and hospitable demeanor, she has become a beloved figure in the village, acting as a pillar of support and a listening ear to all who seek refuge within the tavern's cozy confines.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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