The Imperial Senate Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The Imperial Senate

The Imperial Senate is the legislative body of the Halruaalan government. It is apart from the Great Houses and primarily govern the day to day affairs of the general populace. The Archons of the Noble Seven Houses lay down general rules for their region, and the First Archon of House Udaku guides the process on a national level. The Senate as a whole take these rules and regulates them by giving them more detail. National measures are transferred into into local ordinances and the Senate enforces the law when it is broken. Some of the Senates day-to-day tasks involve: maintenance of the Imperial Coin; control of food stockpiles; employment of trade laws; and directing the movement of troops. Being a member of the senate opens an individual up to a lot of power.

The Imperial Senate is primarily housed in Royal Capital, the Craddle, but can be convened in any of the major cities or House Strongholds by the First Enchanter. The First Enchanter is the head of the Imperial Senate and is appointed by the First Archon of House Udaku. The First Enchanter works with regional powers known as Senior Enchanters to determine the general regulation of the entire country. This meeting occurs once every year, lasting an entire month. The Senior Enchanters in turn are the head of the "lesser senates". These senates exist in every major city in Halruaal and control not only those cities, but their associated towns and villages within a set region.

The lesser senates are made up of various officials. The lowest form of these officials are Magistrates; they handle disputes and municipal courts directly with the common folk and have no vote in the senate. Above Magistrates are Senators. Senators can represent people in the towns and the cities in the senate. They can voice their opinions on measures being up for consideration and vote. Above Senators, but below the Senior Enchanters, are Magisters. Magisters are often times, lesser nobles or courtiers with moderate abilities as wizards. They control the lower ranks and (in theory) work with the Senior Enchanters to push priority legislation through.

While the upper members of the senate are all wizards, technically you don't have to be a wizard to be a member of this body. However, to rise to the highest echelons you need to cozy up to the Senior Enchanters. All of which are wizards from the various noble families of Halruaal. Given that there is a general attitude of superiority among the wizarding families, most don't let non-wizards (or non-noble for that matter) excel higher than Magistrates or Senators. Those rise high enough find various governing seats on the major cities throughout the country. Climbing the ranks is usually done through political connections, wealth, or raw power. Those that have advanced up with raw power are both feared and respected. Much of them have skills that are on par with the those in the Eight Noble Houses.

For the glory of the Magisterium

Ranks in the Imperial Senate:

Renown Favor Level Requirement Rank
1 0 2 Magistrate
10 10 5 Senator
25 20 8 Magister
50 50 14 Senior Enchanter
100 100 16 First Enchanter
Founding Date
20 AC
Alternative Names
The Senate
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Gaining Renown in the Senate:

The easiest way to gain renown in the Magisterium is to curry favor with those of the same or higher rank than you.
Gains Task:
+1 Carousing - upper-class block
+3 For every 50k in gp owned
+5 Completing a full mission from a rank above you
+10 Every five levels of Wizard achieved

Gaining Favor in the Senate:

Gains task
+2 Completing a minor task from a rank above
+5 Voting on key legislation with the popular crowd
+7 Completing a task from a Noble Houses
+10 Completing a mission from the Archon's Noble House

Senior Enchanters of the Imperial Senate:

City: Name:
Carteia Paulus Vitoricus
Corio Arkay Correlamos
Demmanos Dionne Crete
Duchnov Theodore Pembroke
Egara Lucius Aquillius
Gianniri Catherine Hanover
Hurest Hugh Clarke
Kinu Huni Asennu
Kjarra Gryd Gunnarsson
Lekos Emerson Langhorne
Loriland Sibbi Haklangdottir
Lunos Mbube Mnotho
Suga Yamanaka Nora
Theyale Amehlo Nkonkoni
Vibina Glover Whitehall
Xiangshu Furusawa Kurama
First Enchanter: Chotho Kwazulu

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