The Blind Eagle Building / Landmark in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The Blind Eagle

The Blind Eagle is the only inn and tavern in the village of Savo that caters to travelers - not that there is a great deal of them.  The village itself doesn't have much in the way of tourism and what little there is goes to trade and industry headed up by the Congregation of Merchants.  As such, the Blind Eagle caters to the various merchants and traveling guilds people.  Many of the staff here have seen the results of the labor trade: trees felled and hauled off to the town of Lutonium.  A keen bitterness has fallen on the practice than many of the inn goes primarily drink to escape their problems, 

Purpose / Function

The Blind Eagle is primarily a building made for short term lodging. Outside of residents, not many stay within the village for long. Apart from the lodging, the inn does serve drinks (primarily ale and cider) and has a small selection of food on it's menu. 


The main structure of the Inn features a large space attached to it with bunks that could house 50 people if necessary in addition for six private rooms that could hold a total of four people per room. In addition, the owner of the Blind Eagle has added a tavern and stable to the inn so that traveling merchants can relax and rest assure that their horses are cared for. The stables outside are large enough to house a wagon and eight horses.

Tavern Features:

A large well sits near the bar. This well appears as a sort of ritual for the patrons and residents of Savo. Here, unfinished drinks are dumped and at the end of the night any patron can drink from the well for free.
Founding Date
Parent Location

Local Entertainment:

Every now and then a aspiring bard performs in the main hall of the inn, weaving tails of gloom and mystery within the Forest.
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