Azotyr Character in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The “Hammer Forge”, The “Unyielding Anvil”, and “Lord of War”.

Azotyr is the God of War, Forge, and Truth. His realm is that of bone, blood, and muscle tempering that comes with the breath of life. His is the search for perfection of self and growth to shelter the mind and spirit.  For this reason, The Church of the Seven teaches that he is the embodiment of the physical body within the group of three deities known as the body.

Azotyr is a god of crafting and working with tools. As such, the clergy and followers of Azotyr are all devote journeymen of trades (most notably blacksmiths).  Of the various organizations within Halruaal, the Congregation of Merchants holds the largest following of Azotyr in some way, shape, or form. Temples to him (and the other gods) can be found in every city, town, or village. At the same time a shrine to Azotyr is found in every forge in Halruaal.

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge, Order, and War

Holy Books & Codes

Cleric Code:

Have a strong arm and a stout heart.  Take pride in your work but do not boast vainly in the gathering places of people.  When at home, keep the fire hot and when at war, be tactful, strategic, and honorable.  

Paladin Oaths:

  Limits orders to: Conquest, Crown, and Devotion

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black flaming Maul striking an anvil in a yellow circle on a red canvas

Tenets of Faith

  1. Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the stones of civilization together, and it must be respected.
  2. Loyalty. Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and laws are meaningless.
  3. Courage. You must be willing to do what needs to be done for the sake of order, even in the face of overwhelming odds. If you don't act, then who will?
  4. Responsibility. You must deal with the consequences of your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties and obligations.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Clergy and followers of Azotyr represent him as an imposing man of impressive size and musculature.  In his form is the strength of the ages and the power of molten magma. Like his brother, his skin is that of a lighter complexation, though similar to opal.  In any event, he appears in a suit of armor (though it appears as a different style to everyone who sees it) and with a maul on his back.


Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a mortal, Azotyr was the armorer and enforcer of House Odinson.  As the younger brother of House Odinson's Archon, Ignitus, Azotyr studied practiced under the school of evocation, later refining his practice with the abjuration school of magic from House Aetius.  All records point that the origin of war magic (using bits of both evocation and abjuration) in Halruaal stemmed from him.

 When Ignitus crossed the sea, Azotyr stood beside him, forging his weapons and armor for the vanguard.  Coupled with this, he lead much of the charge against the founding of Clan Oni.  In the years to follow, Azotyr was the voice of temperance, truth, and personal growth, acting in times as Ignitus’ most trusted advisor while crafting the most splendid arms and armors.

Though one of the most memorable aspect of his history was of his sealing of an alliance between House Odinson and House Udaku.  His brother, Ignitus, was cunning in his desire for unification and had numerous arranged marriages.  Initially, it was determined that Azotyr would marry a lady of House Udaku's ruling house, but Azotyr's personal truth would not allow it.  A week before the wedding, he came out to his brother.

 Ever the loving brother (and pragmatist), Ignitus took this discovery in stride and found a solution. House Udaku's crowned prince, Terrac'oko, formed a powerful bond with Azotyr and many speculated that their friendship was something more.  This eventually proved to be true when their courtship became public (right before Azotyr's first arranged marriage).  As a change tactic, Ignitus proposed the marriage between Terrac'oko and Azotyr - which eventually sealed the union between the two Houses.


After an early lifetime of presenting as a womanizer, Azotyr came out as a homosexual and is currently married to the God, Terrac'oko.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Azotyr is the chief architect of War Magic in Halruaal.  His study of evocation and abjuration with his brother, Ignitus, and Houses Aetius.  His further employment of weapons and armor and bonding the two also was the precursor to the artificer (which was later refined under House Hanover).

In the war between House Odinson and the foundlings of Clan Oni, Azotyr's crafts personally prevented many high level assassinations by the clans various spies.  Not only that, but his refinement of the Lightning crystal carved out a safe space within the Storm Coast, all while generating power for the House's War Machines.


Mental Trauma

Azotyr's early life was complicated by his suppression of his sexuality and presenting as a prolific lover of women.  Much of his crafts and his work in the forge was to hammer out the stress and provide himself a relief (of which he did nearly every day).  It wasn't until he met Terrac'oko that he came to terms with sexuality and it still has played it's role in his trauma.

Favored weapon:


Cleric Alignment:

Any but chaotic evil

Relations with the other Gods:

  • Allies: Aquillia'Dante, Ignitus, Initiumartis, and Terrac'oko
  • Enemies: Shinatobe
  • Mixed Relations: Alphleatay
Divine Classification
Intermediate God
Neutral Good
Other Ethnicities/Cultures


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