Sudbina, the Weaver Character in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil

Sudbina, the Weaver (su-VEE-na)

Be gentle with the gossamer of a spider's web for it may be your fate swept away on the wind.
-A Proverb
The Pred Se command great power beyond mortal kenning. They have been known to manipulate the very fabric of reality and change the course of mortal lives on a whim. None, more so, than Sudbina, the Weaver of fate and the first spider.  


As with all Pred Se, Sudbina was once just a spider. However, as the first spider, from her, all others came and as she wove her webs, she spun the fate of the world and all who tread upon it into her gossamer threads. Each strand of her mighty web is said to have within it the destiny of each and every mortal creature.   Her many children are her messengers as they observe the mortal realm and bring her word of all they witness. So take heed of spiders and their webs. It is believed that one might sever their fate if one destroys a web and to kill a spider might just earn the ire of its Mother.  

The Great Web

Sudbina lives within the Great Web, the web of all fate. There, she carefully plucks, knits, and weaves each thread according to her law. It is not known for how long she did this alone, before the rise of mortals, civilizations, and other gods. Some believe that Sudbina was in fact the very first of all living beings and she spun the world from her thread. In either case, it is true that she grew lonely.   Desperate for a companion, Sudbina spun the first woman, Sopruga, from silk.
Spider Queen by Andrew Mar
Divine Classification
Primeval God

Character Portrait image: by Andrew Mar


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