Lasa Phula

Corpse Flowers

A collection of contradictions is the Lāśa Phula. It can so easily offer both life and death, beauty and pain. There is a lesson in that somewhere. It may be "be careful what flowers you pick."
— Dija Mina, Sage of Zeder

Danger and Beauty

There is a plant that grows primarily within the shifting jungles of Zeder. Most outsiders are ignorant of this plant and what it does, leading many to assume it to be a benign flower. This often proves to be a deadly mistake. It grows in clumps, long curved stems ending in rounded bell flowers of shimmering crimson, amethyst, or amber colors. The leaves grow around the base of the stem, thick and long so that it almost looks like a clump of tall grass. The scent the flower produces is a highly sought-after perfume, described as a pale musk with milk and honey. In addition to all this, the plant also produces an edible fruit that grows from the bloom, ripening after the rainy season to something akin to a plum, though the taste has a slight spice to it.   Though the flower is beautiful, its scent sweet, and its fruit fat and tempting, this plant is anything but harmless.  

Life from Death

The Lāśa Phula has a unique method of propagation. Hidden within the drooping, bell-shaped flower is a needle-like stamen that contains the spores that allow more plants to grow. Whenever a creature moves near enough to the flower the stem will straighten and the bloom will open and launch the barbed stamen at the creature. The initial sting will often be enough to cause the animal struck to spook and run away from the flower. A human hit with this burning nuisance will likely make the mistake of trying to yank the stamen out, causing the barbs to tear the flesh and release all the spores into the bloodstream at once.
by Kayla Perisho-Denley
  In either case, the spores will make their way through the host body, drawing nourishment from the blood. The affected creature will start to feel ill a day or two after being hit, presenting side effects like fever, dizziness, and nausea. These will get worse over time and if not treated, will result in death. Once the creature is dead, the spores will root within the body and eventually burst and bloom. This method ensures that the seeds are protected and nourished and that they have traveled, leading to widespread growth.   This fate can be avoided, at least for any intelligent species. The plants can be harvested safely during and after the rainy season when the fruits are ripening. If a person is struck by a stamen they can remove it safely by pushing it slightly further in, to fold the barbs, and filling the wound with hot water. The heat of the water forces the stamen to close in order to protect the spores, making it safe to remove without further damage. If this is done quickly enough the effects of the spores can be avoided.


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