Starlight Enclave Geographic Location in Hall of Doors - Ustehall | World Anvil

Starlight Enclave

The Starlight Enclave, as the dwelling of the deities, must be a place of exceptional beauty and power. Filled with structures made from cosmic material and with starlight illuminating every corner, it is an ethereal realm living on a plane separate from the mortal world of Mytilias. Here, the deities deliberate over the fate of their world, devise cosmic strategies, and rest between their divine interventions. The radiant shimmer of stars and the soft hum of cosmic energy provide a serene environment, truly befitting the home of divine beings.   Each deity in the Starlight Enclave has a realm that resonates with their divine aspect. For instance, Cyrus and Urth, as the Elder Deities, live in the grandest of palaces at the heart of the Starlight Enclave, where they govern over the other deities. The realms of the deities often reflect the aspects they control or represent - from the serene forest groves of Sylvan, God of the Forest, to the chaotic and ever-changing landscapes of Varon, God of the Weather.   They can reach each of these realms through portals that only the deities and their chosen can access, ensuring the sanctity and security of their divine abodes. The inhabitants of Mytilias can only hope to glimpse these realms in their dreams or through rare, divine intervention.
Alternative Name(s)
The Starlight
Plane of Existence
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Cover image: Ustehall by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI