Halika Modern History of "True" Stildane Timeline
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Modern History of "True" Stildane

There is so much history - and yet, to most people, it is all dust. Maybe, to some academics, it is ink. Recent history is much more real to people, even if all that older history shapes it.   So, let's get into details - what is the history of the present order of Stildane, with a focus on the Ederstone-infused parts?

  • 1750 ME

    2 Garmoy
    1750 ME

    9 Garmoy

    The Week of Cleansing
    Military action

    The total destruction of the Truthful Path government and the official ending of the Fifth Scouring of Stildane. Beginning of most modern histories of North Stildane.

  • 1781 ME

    1 Forald

    King Volstr Dissolves the Hainish Elector Council
    Political event

    King Volstr Devhauzen, with support from House Dezuren, tried to abolish the electoral elements of the Hainish monarchy and make the kingdom entirely hereditary.

  • 1788 ME

    30 Baeld

    The Kingdom of Kiozen-Itzanka Forms

    Through the marriage of the prince of renewed Kiozen and the princess of conquering Itzanka, the Kingdom of Kiozen-Itzanka was formed. This royal union formed the new superpower of Eketen.

  • 1800 ME

    1800 ME


    Hainish War of Tulips
    Military: War

    A palace coup and brief war in the Kingdom of Hain, where King Sandor Devhauzen was overthrown by a coalition of rebellious nobles who sought to restore the Elector Council. The end of the reign of House Devhauzen.

  • 1800 ME


    The Abandonment of Lake Gutrahd

    The new Hainish regime cuts the last rent-collector and administrator of the fiefdom of Rolkirk, ending the Kingdom's effective claim to the Lake Gutrahd region.

  • 1800 ME

    29 Herbez

    The Destruction of Durev
    Disaster / Destruction

    On this day, the Tarrasque devastated the refuge of Durev, casting many into the bitter and frozen chaos wastes. It was nearly the end of the Sanctuary of Uvasten, and a moment of deep local trauma.

  • 1809 ME


    Selvergen Guild Riots

    Scandal, inequality, and the failure of nearly a decade of petitions finally escalated into open violence between the local craftsmen of Selvergen. While it was a relatively small and local event, more about family drama and guild rules than anything else, it served as a major breakdown in city political norms. After this, local politics only became less functional.

  • 1810 ME


    Coronation of Avenek I of Kiozen-Itzanka
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    On this day, the young and ambitious prince Avenek became king of the largest kingdom of Eketen - priming the region for change.

  • 1810 ME


    Vruhafen Burgher's Revolt

    The burghers of Vruhafen, angry about mismanagement and over-taxation by the Herzog of Hoshten, launched a minor tax revolt with the help of the local Junker and Margrave. This secured greater rights for the city after the Elector Council intervened.

  • 1838 ME

    The Sunekan Crisis of Selvergen

    Fears of Sunekan infiltration and Merishkan military support in the city of Selvergen caused panic in the city, that spilled into religious strife and urban skirmishes. The city guard even fought itself, revealing deep political divides. Would not be the last crisis around Sunekans in Selvergen - this event only radicalized many Arvaran Sunekans (who previously were only "Akisunekans", a moderate local branch).

  • 1840 ME


    Eketen United
    Political event

    After thirty years of periodic conquest by Avenek I, all of Eketen - not just the East, but the West and Center - was united under one empire.

  • 1851 ME

    1853 ME

    The Kasten Civil War
    Military: War

    A war that collapsed the Federation of Kasteny; this was immediately followed by invasions by both Eketen and Arvarun. Eketen won after the emperor's agents bribed the city guard into opening the city to imperial forces in 1852, turning the tide in their favor.

  • 1858 ME

    1870 ME

    The Marsh Revolts of Kasten
    Military: War

    A series of interconnecting local revolts across Kasteny, both in the city of Selvergen in 1858 and 1862, and in the marshlands. While the rebels lost a major battle in 1863 and the revolt was declared over, unrest continued and spiked again in the late 1860s. Only when the Empire passed a series of regional reforms in 1870 did the revolts end.

  • 1870 ME

    Azavarn Particularist Revolt

    The autonomous fief of Azavarn, a military wasteland outpost along the Western coast, tried to steal money and intimidate imperial authorities in 1870; in effect, they wanted more power over the local administration and nearby towns. The local lords conspired with military officers in Western Eketen, and resisted arrest - leading to a minor revolt.

  • 1870 ME

    1874 ME


    Ustavetan War of Succession
    Military: War

    A war of succession in the Kingdom of Ustavet, which once occupied the lands between Kizen and Hain. Bloody, brutal, and deeply destructive to the kingdom's integrity. This conflict even provoked local war within the Kingdom of Hain, as the once-allied families of House Dezuren and House Devhauzen turned against each other.

  • 1870 ME


    Kizen's "Open Hands" Policy Begins
    Financial Event

    The "Open Hands" Policy, championed by Spymaster Uzrina of Kizen, led to the Empire getting much more involved in local politics throughout Ustavet - particularly focusing on the region of Verzavek. This was a mix of espionage, politics, and favorable trade deals - not necessarily hostile, but the first time since the Cleansing that the Empire made an active effort to project power Southward.

  • 1879 ME

    1881 ME

    The Fool's War in Hain
    Military: War

    A minor conflict between the Hainish noble houses of Savadan, Hugelma, and Dezuren over the March-duchy of Gonenka. Ultimately won by House Savadan

  • 1880 ME


    The Olonya Expedition

    A group of ships gathered by the Eketeni merchant-adventurer Sonsora Olonya charted a safe course across the haunted waters between Hain and Eketen using new naval technology. This discovery, and its careful mapping by Captain Olonya, finally allowed reliable safe passage between South and North Stildane.

  • 1882 ME


    Arvarun Invades Merishka
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Arvarun, hungry for land and prestige, launched an invasion of the disoriented Sunekan Republic of Merishka. They had the support of the Empire of Calazen.

  • 1888 ME

    The Kazel-Karn Movement Begins
    Religious event

    Letma, harbinger of the new Liberated Path, began gathering followers to one day found a kingdom for all Liberated Kivish to call home. This would take almost a century to realize - but it did happen eventually.

  • 1902 ME

    1904 ME

    Collapse of Ustavet
    Military: War

    Beginning with a land revolt in 1902 in the South, Ustavet's politics finally began to implode entirely. After several defeats, Ustavet's Noble Conclave deposed their own king in 1903 - turning the revolt into a civil war. When Kizen was dragged into the conflict openly (having covertly supported the rebels since 1902) in early 1904, the new King's only hope was to bring in the Kingdom of Hain. After Hain's monarch and Council declined, Ustavet surrendered and effectively became the Kingdom Gennorholn (shrinking to a fraction of its former size).

  • 1902 ME

    The Sunekan Reclamation of Merishka
    Military action

    A military-political expedition intended to drive the Arvarans from Merishka. With Calazen gone and significant international backing for the Sunekan side, Arvarun quickly abandoned the Merishkan core (but kept the North for themselves).

  • 1902 ME


    The Shadow-Eater Roosts in Durev

    The Shadow-Eater Angel, a semi-sentient monster of power created by Liberated Path hands, moved into an old shrine and warhall in the partially-abandoned city of Durev in the Sanctuary of Uvasten. It harmed some and helped others, but was generally looked upon unfavorably by locals.

  • 1910 ME

    1919 ME

    The Wernler Expedition

    A Kizen exploratory commission into the Suneka, intended to map the far South, arrange cross-continental trade deals, establish embassies in Eketen, Arvarun, and Merishka, and document technological advances in Sunekan lands. Led to a massive fascination of Sunekan culture in Kizen from 1919 to 1950.

  • 1910 ME


    Tarrasque Attack in Northern Hain
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1912 ME

    The Shadow Eater Leaves Durev

    The Kazel-Karn movement re-homed the Angel this year, after a decade of it taking over a district of the city. This was a big win for Durev, but also a big win for Kazel-Karn.

  • 1920 ME

    1960 ME

    Lunar Politics in Kizen

    Lunar Cults played a very active role in Kizen's politics for these forty years; Lunar agents and paladins competed openly for political power, and the Gods' factions reflected themselves in the imperial court.    This period also is when State Companies rose to power - big business conglomerates that had special trade privileges and were subsidized to experiment with new production technologies.

  • 1920 ME


    Eketeni Succession Crisis
    Civil action

    Avenek I of Eketen, emperor of a century, finally died. His named successor, Nanikem, and his son, Avenek II, immediately vied for power. Nanikem won, and Avenek II was arrested. The event was a disturbing moment of instability in an empire that seemed to be booming.

  • 1922 ME


    Eketen Moves Capital to Balenhof
    Political event

    Emperor Nanikem I, having faced dissent in Eastern Eketen, moved the capital from Kiazerov to Balenhof.

  • 1955 ME

    Kazel-Karn Founded

    The Liberated Kivish Kingdom of Kazel-Karn, realm of dreams and nightmares, was founded this year. This began a new age of Liberated Kivish unity and activity, and disturbed the wasteland politics of the North.

  • 1960 ME

    1971 ME

    Queen Akra's Reforms in Arvarun
    Civil action

    A series of highly controversial political reforms in the Kingdom of Arvarun, intended to centralize the government and curtail the power of local nobles and landholders.

  • 1960 ME

    1962 ME


    First Eketeni Civil War
    Military: War

    After the death of Emperor Nanikem I, Avenek III (son of Avenek II and grandson of Emperor Avenek I) claimed the throne and stormed Balenhof. Nanikem's heir and daughter, Kudana I, raised an army to fight him. His forces finally surrendered in fall of 1962, and the rebel Avenek was executed.    This war led to military dynasties accumulating power in Eketen, as Kudana I struggled to maintain her rule.

  • 1960 ME


    Sisters of Bain Revolt in Eketen
    Civil action

    The Sisters of Bain, a monster-hunting order, attempted to take control of the city of Selvergen after the Empire fell into civil war earlier that year. The Sisters' coup failed, and a group of nobles seized the city for themselves.

  • 1966 ME

    Verzavek Land Riots

    Land inequalities dating back to the tyrannical regime of the Fifth Scouring favored wealthy Kobold families in Verzavek - and had never been corrected by Ustavet. Many smallfarmers in Verzavek were losing their lands, even as trade boomed. These farmers took to protests, and began waging a quiet war against the big landholders from 1960 to 1980. The event is often only chronicled as a 1966 event by historians, but really extended over two decades.

  • 1971 ME


    King Soverner's Coup in Arvarun
    Political event

    A coup that deposed Queen Akra of Arvarun and installed King Soverner, her cousin. He quickly rolled back her reforms and returned to the status quo.

  • 1972 ME

    Durev Welcomes Refugees
    Population Migration / Travel

    A large group of refugees from Verzohn that fled into the chaos wastes seeking to migrate to Verzavek, instead relocated to the hidden sanctuary of Durev. This sudden injection of new bodies, ideas, technology, and new kinds of magic led to a revitalization of the secret city.

  • 1973 ME

    Gennoran Brotherhood Revolt

    Gennoran peasants, angry at being bound to the land during Hainish occupation, turned to religious paramilitary groups - Common Brotherhoods - that had once been Hainish allies. After a group of lesser nobles banded together to suppress some particularly rowdy Brotherhoods in early spring, the Brotherhoods struck back with intense violence. The new King Solbrin I Halar responded with a mix of reforms and arrests - driving the more rebellious Brotherhood groups into the hills, where their descendants remain active.

  • 1980 ME


    The Tarrasque Averted from Durev
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Durev, hidden in the wastes, was almost destroyed yet again by the dreaded Tarrasque. It is still not fully understood why the terrible beast turned away at the last moment, but Durev was spared - and the Tarrasque has not returned.

  • 1981 ME


    Arvarun Political Crisis; New Monarch
    Political event

    King Soverner abdicated the throne amidst scandal and political failure, handing the throne to his niece, Kornila.

  • 1983 ME


    Durev Elects Genrik as King
    Political event

  • 1996 ME


    Queen Kornila I of Arvarun Assassinated
    Life, Death

    Less than a year after embracing the Sunekan faith to a degree that discomforted many, Queen Kornila was assassinated and replaced with Queen Filisi

  • 2000 ME

    2020 ME

    Second Eketeni Civil War
    Military: War

    The conflict that broke the empire, beginning when Empress Kudana I was assassinated. A ceasefire was called in 2014, but the war has continued in bursts since then.

  • 2003 ME

    2009 ME

    The Regent's War of Arvarun
    Military: War

    A tripartite civil war that followed a public condemnation of the Suneka by the military establishment, and the emergence of two pretenders to the throne. Ended briefly when the young princess Kelka came of age and negotiated a compromise

  • 2010 ME

    Vruhafen Signs Treaty with Selkie Khilaia
    Financial Event

    The treaty ensured a creation of a selkie port in Vruhafen, as well as an exemption from tariffs for selkies. In exchange, the selkies re-opened safe trade with Southern Stildane and the Suneka.

  • 2012 ME

    2020 ME

    The Tripartite War of Arvarun
    Military: War

    A second civil war in Arvarun, a continuation of the Regent's War of 2003