Moonstone Material in Halika | World Anvil
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Many cultures say that moonstone is a gift from the moons, or made where the moons walked on earth. Some say it is more associated with the night- a metal ore made from raw emptiness.   It is an uncommon metal, appearing as a silverish-white ore sometimes mistaken for quartz or silver. When forged it has similar properties to iron, though it appears pale. At night, moonstone's magical properties become clear: it turns invisible. While it does not grant invisibility to other objects, it does grant it to metals it is fused with, making moonstone alloys extremely useful. So a moonstone dagger may appear as only a hilt at night, and moonstone chainmail might not be seen. Moonstone items are often seen as sacred, even as their use is so often profane: assassins, thieves, and those engaging in subterfuge adore moonstone. Moonstone infused ink, moonstone alloy assassin's weapons, hidden moonstone armor- all lend themselves well to intrigue.   Moonstone was created by The Chimera and is often associated with Haru and Lily of Red


Geology & Geography

Moonstone can be found in small amounts worldwide. Large veins have been discovered in Gilmasa (Samvara ), South Keshet (Samvara ), Atupan (Suneka), Metijarsa (Inahng), Azalek (Ekraht), Zimeta (Sonev), Ishima (Ibith), and Menima (Ibith)

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