Hunting the Displacer Beast Plot in Halika | World Anvil
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Hunting the Displacer Beast

Fresh from having slain the Sky Devil of Silta, Savros and co. spent a few days in Thikip selling the monster's corpse and resupplying. Soon enough it was time to hit the road again, to make more allies and hunt more monsters...

The Kingdom of Getra

The team headed West, to the petty kingdom of Getra. Once, Getra was a thriving microstate and close trading partner to Thikip, but no word had come from there in some time. The journey took a little over a day, and proved to be quite dangerous. First, the team braved fey-lengthened mountain lions; then, they faced 'Forest Sprites' - an invasive Stildanian species of hostile plant-creatures that have never been seen in this area before. Finally, Savros reached Getra. The once-secure fortress town sat abandoned and burnt out by the lake, while a new, smaller fortress-village could be seen in the hills.    The team headed to the village, only to find it under siege by a Feywild boar with several human bits fused on, that seemed to be growing bone uncontrollably and using it as a weapon. The team and village slew this boar and did their best to re-fortify for the night.   The team found out that the petty kingdom of Getra had fallen on dark times. The old fort-town was destroyed from within and sacked by the Violet Company. After rebuilding, the village swore fealty to the Violet Company. Then, a monster infested the land, killing off hunters and haunting the ruins of the old town. And then, a group of Desmians wielding strange weapons marched by in an expedition, and not long afterwards they were attacked by this new boar-beast.   

Hunting the Monster

The next day, the squad investigated the ruins of Old Getra. The largest and most stable standing building was the warhall - which they investigated first. The hall seemed weirdly dark, dusty, and sinister, and the shrine immediately struck them as well-maintained and quite possibly haunted. They paid their respects and entered the space carefully. As they ascended to the rickety upper floor, the ghost of the old queen appeared and began warning them away. They continued on peacefully, but stumbled into the monster's den. The dust there filled the air to the point of choking, and those who inhaled it seemed to hallucinate wildly. The monster itself leapt out once the team was disoriented, and they barely glimpsed its true form in the darkness: a huge predatory cat, whose skin was missing but whose muscle was coated in fungoid growths. Every movement spat out spores, and the cat seemed to shimmer in the dusty darkness.    The fight went poorly. Torin and Jacob were terribly injured and disoriented, and Teva was barely able to see clearly. To save the group, the ghost collapsed the floor beneath them. Teva and Savros deliriously dragged their two comrades from the building and rested at the edge of town. They limped back to the village and rallied the townsfolk to help them slay the beast.    That night, the townsfolk surrounded the edges of Old Getra and made a perimeter to contain the beast. It lashed out and tried to escape, but fled back to its castle nest. The militia charged into the castle and stormed the upper floor. It was still a tough fight with a cornered beast in a spore-filled lair, but thanks to daring-do and a really cool 12 foot tactical action roll the beast was slain. The ghost let them drag off the beast and their wounded but asked them to depart.    The next day, Savros approached the ghost and offered her a chance to try and avenge her kingdom. The ghost possessed a family amulet and is carried by Savros to this day. Add +1 Ghost to Inventory.    Getra renewed its alliance to Thikip and finally had a chance to try and rebuild, and Savros rode off with the beast's corpse. But the road to Thikip is dangerous, and would be much more eventful on the way back...



  • Investigate the Greater Demon Cult
  • Get Arstam safely back to Adava so he can pay everyone
  • Rescue Abet, the medic, from the Feywilds
  • Protect the Fey Borderlands from the forces brewing in Nefka
  • Protect Thikip
  • Investigate instances of Ederstone monstrosities in the Borderlands
  • Investigate the village of Getra (DONE)
  • Slay the monster of Getra (DONE)
  • Find peace for the ghost of Atara 



Teva Fisher's-daughter: Teva is one of Savros' childhood best friends and squadmates. She only made it into the artisan district of Kidon through her family's long history in the city and a great deal of luck - otherwise she would be with her parents in the unsanitary dockside district. Teva is quiet and awkward, but perceptive and capable. She sees herself as a hero, and strives to protect as many people as possible from the traumas inflicted on her. This can lead her to act a bit brashly and violently towards those she perceives as evil, but she has a good heart. Jacob Krivika: Most of Jacob's family lives in the Northern Palisades district - a part of town where Feywild merchants come to trade, city guards are often absent, and the citizens are unprotected from the great stone fortifications of the main city in the event of an attack. The Krivikas have connections to kin in the Feywilds that they trade with, and Jacob's parents used a lucky break from that trade to open a shop in the artisan district. Jacob is a bit of an outsider for this, but has become a bit of a social butterfly despite (or perhaps, because) of this. Jacob is kind, friendly, and gentle, preferring diplomacy to violence. He is not very skilled in the arts of war, but he is a capable outdoorsman and negotiator. Currently an Ishkibite paladin.   Torin: Torin is a fine fellow from the lands of the The Platinum Order, and a veteran of the wars against the Seruvians


Queen Atara of Getra: The former ruler of Getra, slain tragically by her younger sister when the old fortress-village burned. Current somber and coping with being a ghost.   Mayor Sain: Former merchant and new leader of Getra, a sheepish but friendly guy. Affiliated with the Violet Company - which did not prove to be enough to spare him or his town
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