The Treasure of Cumpen Bafflestone Myth in Gudde's Faerun | World Anvil
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The Treasure of Cumpen Bafflestone

This legend is one of the first tales told of the gnome trickster, Cumpen Bafflestone.     Ages ago, Cumpen Bafflestone stumbled into the lair of the evil queen. Cumpen was down on her luck. She had been kicked out from her gnomish community for small acts of thievery and vandalism. As a result, she was quite poor. She found that living among the other races was extremely difficult. No one seemed to enjoy her tales and want to buy her a flagon to quench her thirst. No one was eager to share their dinner. She wished she could return home.   In the queen's lair, Cumpen saw wealth beyond her wildest dreams. Mounds of gold and silver rose above her head. Many exquisite pieces of art were mixed in. She began to stuff her pockets with anything she could grab when she heard the queen returning. Not knowing what to do, she ducked under a beautiful table inlaid with gold and silver. She was so caught up in examining the intricate construction that she did not notice that the queen had fallen asleep. Sneaking out from under the table, she saw that she could slip out of the lair quietly without disturbing the queen, but instead she began to select more fine items to put in her pockets.   The queen awoke, and Cumpen dived for her table. She fell short and pearls and chalices and coins and all manner of things spilled from her pockets in a cacophonous cascade. Sprawled on the ground, there was nothing she could do when the queen pounced on her, pinning her to the ground.   "What nature of thief is this?" the queen hissed.   "I am Cumpen, a gnome, and I have come to tell the queen a tale." The queen growled and pressed her claw deeper into Cumpen's shoulder. "A ruler is respected by the love they show, the gifts they give to those less fortunate. And there is none less fortunate than Cumpen the Gnome. I have been ostracized from my home, scorned and mocked wherever I go, driven to meager rations by the realities of a harsh world, but I ask not for pity. Merely give me my weight in gold and I will leave you in peace."   The queen threw back her head, roaring with laughter. "What arrogance is this! Why should I give..." Then she looked down and realized that Cumpen was gone. She had slipped away when the queen was distracted. Only a moment was needed for Cumpen to scamper out and disappear.   Cumpen did not leave with mounds of treasure that day. When she could stop running and check her pockets, she realized that all she came away with was a jeweled pin she had stuck in her sock, but it was enough to pay off her debts to her community and be accepted back in.


Gnomes tell this tale to remind their children that community is important and one should know one's limits.   Others use this legend to illustrate that gnomes have all the luck.

Historical Basis

All of it is 100% true. I'll wager the next flagon on it.

Cultural Reception

The Treasure of Cumpen Bafflestone is quite common in gnomish circles but less well-known in other cultures. Nearly every painting or wall mural created by gnomish artists contains a small cameo or reference to Cumpen as a piece of good luck and a reminder that gnomes must be one their toes to survive in this world. She is an unstoppable force, slipping in and out wherever she pleases.
Date of Setting
-400 DR
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