The White Hawk Corps Military Formation in Granthea | World Anvil
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The White Hawk Corps


The White Hawk Corps was initially composed of Centralian veterans who escaped being pressed into service by the The Empire of Verdon. Originally they planned to fight the Empire and liberate Centralia, but the population's morale had been wiped out from years of war and famine. This meant that popular support was low and allies were hard to find. Eventually, the Veterans grew embittered and the will to rebel simply became an embittered brigandry, picking up anyone who wanted to restore Centralia along the way.   The White Hawk Corps managed to stay alive despite numerous Imperial crackdowns, but turned a new corner during the Gonewald rebellions of 112. The group turned mercenary, with the Gonewald rebels contracting their services. Here the warrior traditions of the group, handed down from the Centralian veterans over a century ago, served them well. The Corps was involved in several early rebel victories and earned the notice of the Imperial Yeomanry. The Yeomanry made the Corps an offer to work for the empire instead, offering a much larger sum than the rebels could pay. From that point forward, the White Hawk Corps was dispatched to brushfire conflicts and deniable paramilitary actions across the former Centralian heartland.   As the rebellions intensified in the former Republic of Xethess following the conquest of its capitol city, the Empire contracted the White Hawk Corps to augment their forces in the Green Horn region. A plan to lure the Wood Elf resistance into a pitched battle ended in near complete losses for the Imperial force and the destruction of the White Hawk Corps. The sole survivor from the White Hawk Corps, Thaddeus Marburg, was lauded as a hero and the battle was touted as a victory, but the White Hawk Corps are no more.
7/21 7 PE
11/31 215 EY
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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