Eret Si'Nu Amongst Humans in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Eret Si'Nu Amongst Humans

From the Deus Codex Arcanum in the Library of the Custodians, in the Tower of Light

It is known in most civilized lands that the spark of everything arcane, all magic and wonder, is that of the Eret Si'nu. This atmospheric, microscopic substance... nay, entity, is a sentient representation of the complete and total will of all sapient beings throughout the universe. Those who master its control possess the power to bend reality to their will.   Mastery consists of learning and speaking the language of the entity. Those mages who do so are sometimes called "Speakers to the Entity."   The Eret Si'nu adapts. It flexes. Changes. Becomes what its speaker desires. Many try, but few prosper. For not everyone amongst mortals has the innate talent for communicating with the Eret Si'nu. Those who do indeed display such talent are said to have The Potential. This potential must be grasped, harnessed and trained. Developed into something almost tangible. This is the nature of mastery, and it's a rare thing to find it in the hands of one untrained by their predecessors in the arcane.   There is one thing about the Potential... within the human species, it only seems to manifest in adolescent females.   It is a just irony of our sometimes brutal world that those within the ever expanding patriarchy must bow to their presumed "lessers" in order to receive the gifts of Celene. For in fact, it is from the very gods that the Eret Si'nu stems. This author, of course sees no inherent difference between the myriad sexes of mortals, though it cannot be argued that many in power do not share this viewpoint.   This is not to say that males cannot harness magic. In fact, this sex based segregation exists apparently only amongst the human tribes. The Vala'Suun (sometimes called "elves") do not have such distinctions. Amongst the traditionally duo-sexed Kelti, both males and females harness magic with equal aplomb. The Solti, of course, are naturally asexual (or perhaps multi-sexual), and wield the Eret Si'nu with much grace and power.   Several of the "created" species are completely cut-off from speaking with the entity. The strouts, for instance, immediately come to mind. Conversely, the grogans are gifted with limited access to the entity, in order to cultivate and grow the majestic gardens of the gods. Not to mention their facilitation of their own degree of creation, in the form of the fortreal species.   However, on the subject of human males, it seems that only those who've enacted "pacts" with otherworldly beings have thus forth managed to harness any form of arcane magic. In this manner, they are not facilitating their own Potential, but rather that of the inter-planar being with which they've entered some form of contract. Often, the much feared Vu'un ("demons" to some) are the patrons of such contracts.   When speaking of the divine, and those worshippers with the power of the Eret Si'nu behind them, it seems that any gender amongst any species might participate. The gods seem not to discriminate amongst their flock, only desiring to spread their covenant across the world at large.   There is quite obviously much to further research in all matters of magic and the Potential of all the sapient species of our world. This author will continue to report on the myriad of wonders produced by the fusion of "man" and "entity." Praise be the Zenithal and all they provide.

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