DRAMATIS PERSONAE in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Both the various "types" of heavy-hitters, and their individual representatives...


Agents of the Ulta Colonies, sent en masse, and in various trajectories... in search of the enigma known as "The Lost Colony."   The surveyors are all "unascended" humans, refugees of the fallen Earth, and possess mastery in a variety of relevant fields. Engineers, botanists, architects, etc.   The Lost Colony is sought for rather public reasons. Obvious ones. Like bringing home survivors of the first "intergalactic tragedy." But there is another reason. Hidden and more pressing to those in power.   It has been foreseen by the Coven known as "The Oracular Sisterhood of Sibyl" that a great catastrophe will befall the Great Colonies of Man. A cataclysm to be brought about via the machinations of those forgotten members of the Lost Colony.   They must be found. Hence the Surveyors.   THE SURVEY SHIPS
  Could be the crew of a “one-way mission” to set straight the catastrophe before it occurs. Time travel via warping of space-time in a vessel. These ships are orbital craft, incapable of planetary touchdown. Or, more precisely, incapable of relaunching after orbital touchdown.     THE LOST COLONY     They all came from a blasted earth. The survivors. The travelers. Colonizers. They set forth seeking different worlds to settle. Split up to increase their chances. But they maintained a sophisticated sub-space network to link all their ships in case one was successful.   Before any group reported back a positive find, something happened that displaced one of the sub-fleets. They were never heard from again.   The scientists and crew who arrive on Gothenya represent the linked colonies who indeed find a better life and who thrived in their new homes across the galaxy. Gothenya was the black sheep. Home to the lost colony. The forgotten. Those who disobeyed mandates and literally played gods.   Now the extent of the damage they wrought has the capacity to destroy the continuity of the entire civilized universe. It must be stopped.      

The Child God of the Desert…

  Could it be that one thought dead still remains? Living as a hermit, but with a fanatical following of nomadic zealots? The ageless being. Unable to physically mature yet with a mind spanning aeons of experience.   What would be this immortal’s desires? It’s plans? And what of the Halbion Dynasty hiding in the south. Could Essendra have been raised amongst the desert nomads? Now rising as their earthly leader?   The child god… Is it Faldrighel himself? In a most unexpected form? Born of sand and sun fire.    


  Key to everything. Consciousness across endless possible existences.   The other gods, the other Ulta, have a limited capacity for non-linear awareness, but cannot see across time streams like Chronos. His is a powerful gift. One that comes at a terrible cost. His sanity.      


So the Gods of Gothenya, as we know, are alien astronauts. But did you know that they come from the same stock/nation as the researchers at the start of this campaign? One of their secret goals (and several have individual goals, kept secret even from their traveling peers/companions) is to unseat the gods - travelers who were never meant to interfere (Prime Directive style).   So, what about the “god protocols” for “emergency first contact?” Essentially, the protocols employed by those Ulta who eventually became the pantheon of Gothenya.


How this entity arose is a mystery. However, the powers they possess may be duplicated through the very process that “unsticks” the PCs in time or “etherealizes” them. Whatever process the Circle uses to save the PCs in fact dooms them to temporal permanence (not as good a thing as it sounds).    


A possible surviving Ulta (or Ulta prisoner) aboard the Research Vessel? Someone who poses as one of the Researchers, but who’s really a prisoner they were meant to leave at a prison colony after (or before, but they got waylaid) their mission.   He could possibly attempt to convince them that he was amongst the “real” crew and was captured/replaced by imposters. Perhaps to ensure the Lentokki plan went down. But he’d/she’d/it’d need to first discover the Lentokki plan to concoct this lie.      


  1. Who is the mysterious brunette beauty with robotic arms of gleaming metal? Is she a champion for an evil sorcerer? A veteran time traveler who’s been through “some shit?” A “controller” from an organization who wants to use/rally/help the PCs?   2. Future Mutant - cloaked with a face made scaly and jigsaw-like from some unknown mutation. Possibly from the same world/future as the “Pale One” from Campaign #1.   3. Demon Oracle. Oracle at the end of time…   4. Intelligent “dead” tree (no leaves) at the precipice before the Great Fall.   5. The Lone Lich whose every limb is disconnected, yet gravitates/levitates in approximation of their original spots/design. He can, however, send these limbs off on their own to perform various tasks.   6. A “League” of “Eternal Champions?”   7. The Lentokki godking, one of the eight. Least powerful. Least respected. To the folly of his peers. For he has come into possession of a fragment of almighty chaos. A great stone that promises much and actually delivers… but for the tiniest of prices. This council member will come to perhaps challenge the very lordship of all Lentokk, and thus change the face of the wars to come. For in this epoch of churning strife, even the architects of doom have as much to fear from within as without. *** it is entirely possible that the PCs could learn of this and (falsely?) ally themselves with the bedeviled godking, to sew discord and strife amongst the ranks of their enemies. If only to buy themselves some much-needed time… this plot thread could come at their darkest hour, when all seems lost and the Lentokki appear to be in sight of their nefarious goal. Hubris, they say, is the worst of drugs.   8. Alternatively, or concurrently, what about a “great Lentokki reformer?” A ruler who seeks to foment a schism in the peoples of Lentokk, q possibly for honest reasons, possibly for personal gain. A dangerous game this local lord is playing. Probably not a godking, but rather a regional warden of the “free peoples.”    


  Villain - a proto-god in slime/ooze form. An intelligent blob of proto-matter. The god of Plutonium. This is Krytuss.   Can temporarily take solid, humanoid form. But is always a bit “off.” Wet. Slick. Basic of features. Half-formed, almost.   The goddess of Pain may manifest via a host in the form of her high priestess.   Gooey, ectoplasmic time travel. Go in dry, come out wet.      

New Book & Game Characters

    1. Venna (“Venna the Sly, “Venna Corpsemaker,” even “Venna the Last” - as in the last thing you see before you die). Derogatorily called “Venna the Light” as she’s been known to ditch cargo for speed in evading enemies. Only call her this if you can back it up. Pirate captain turned legit. Now a ranking member of the Vorlynshar on the Sea Council. As a Vorlyn, she owns and operates an independent vessel, outside the purview of the Club Masters of Angleport. She’s brought some ire down upon her own shoulders from her brash exploits, always looking to thumb the eye of the Club Masters. She’s gone as far as publicly naming several key Merchant Princes as masters. A big no no. She may soon have to set sail for and port in Varuumae Corona. She has an odd history with Dreeva. Nobody’s quite sure what to make of the two of them. Not the least of which being themselves. She has two metal fingers on her right hand, having lost the original digits fighting off corsairs on the Spectral Sea.   2. VENNA ODETTE of LI’IRAL - “VENNA THE EIGHT” - she’s missing two fingers on her right hand. She’s a Vu’un who can generally pass for human, though she has rows of regular-sized-but-sharp teeth. Her eyes chance color, betraying her current mood. She wears the brands of the prison pit “Selescus Tria” on her left arm. Whatever she touches, she seems to leave a thin layer of soot behind. She may also bear a scar around her neck from an attempted hanging. Not to mention the tiny, crooked scar on the side of her upper lip. *** What if Venna was in fact a Mironesra? *** Could the Mironesra turn out to be demons that man captured & bound, then performed experiments upon? In theory, the way Venna appears to Dreeva could be a product of his imagination. For the concept of the Mironesra to even work, they almost have to (slightly?) non-linear in nature, or otherwise “out of sync” with “present time.” — Venna could be the ultimate rogue, in that she’s extremely difficult to track because of her changing facade. —- Maybe she’s amongst those who learned how to “hold” a particular visage, perhaps the one Dreeva “dropped” on her when they initially met. — Would he see in her a dead lover? “Sweet” (the card sharp) perhaps? A girl who took him for a ride, yet one he cannot shake? One who’s death he’s at least partially responsible for?   3. VENNA BIO - Vu’un Brewer? Like had a bar on Jei’suul? Scribe of arcane and rare languages. Personal Banker to nobles. Subterranean cave fisher. Bazar Merchant.   4. Courier. Guide/Navigator. Coach driver. Jeweler. Apothecary (Mountebank). Fake Royalty (grifter) - post Caretaker. Counterfeit Artist.   5. Traits - Charming Smile, Unique Scar, Foreign Accent, Unique Trinket, Walking Aid, Unique Fashion…   6. Li’iral of Odette (“Li,” “Odd,” “Curious”). A Vu’un summoned by the Boorka in preparation (as a precaution) for the ensuing Lentokki invasion. She managed to “hijack” the summons, bearing out the Vu’un the Boorka were actually trying to pull forward. Condemned to the sweat pits of Lower Jeis’suul, essentially a death sentence. But she’s both patient and quick. She learned of the summons as it was being “negotiated” and stole the Greater Demon’s spot. Vu’un mating is highly regulated and unplanned spawnings (such as hers) usually result in rending and termination. They are considered ill omens, even for Vu’un.   7. Ventris Canlathe.   8. Rismund the Raucous.   9. Fesir Of Teldayre.   10. Lord Marshall (Aureate) Dermedyre of the First Lance of the Lighted Dawn.   11. Tyris   12. Another cool word for lord is Drighten (Norse). Dryhten.   13. Dementhaal (title)   14. Vandis   15. Meindlay, Mandley, Mandlaye, Ducandlay, Trisbeth, Ohltrisia, Diotrybel, Lenadel, Eseltuette, Losliarry, Cleerdiel, Malliostian, Trinervaz, Graschalle, Stessanis   16. Oscanoster, Ehrenostere, ehremovbhan, Ja’alnover, Eldornee, Dasiorrell, Ilepina, Caldohv’yan (Caldo), Sinohelm, Launeyra, Kyrti’irin,   17. Harpiere (Harper), Jhadwig, Arcelaye, Gyntel, Faereld, Je’elda,     Names again     Charlas or Khar’less   Khaer’liss   The leader of the Thornblacks. His name is a borrowed moniker. Like a shawl thrown over one’s shoulders when needed. Many are those who wear the name. None are sure who the real owner is, if there even exists such a leader.   Even guild communications pass through a web of contacts, each only knowing their specific purpose and not any grand scheme as a whole.   Proper names for underworld guilds   1. Thornblack Remedies Company 2. Zanzakkar Trading Concern    

Campaign Characters

  1. Could one of the Mysteries of Nehwon , the right dubious (and possibly inimical) Sheelba or Ningauble, actually be a manifestation of Hastsur, The King in Yellow?   2. As creatures of the Balance, Hastur might represent their Chaotic leanings. In contrast to the Lawful side normally presented to the PCs.   3. Hastur could even exist “outside” of their own persons. Separated, yet still an aspect thereof. A portion of their regressive mind or id over which they have little authority.   4. Mightlebacht of the Isagorn. What greater role shall he play?   5. Xrie Palax (Alaiv’riesk Pry’lesheix) is def a Solti Liche (Gothenya style) present upon Celene as she landed. He was favorite to Ryktuss, and held about as high an office (as the lord’s seneschal) as a non Ulta could attain. He was also a key organizer and participant in the “War of Mortal Dissent” that led to The Sundering. Also known as Lord X’zrel Py’lohr, or even Phasse Xy’lohr Galte or Phanske Galt. Charasse Galte. Enek Valuuk. E’erdan Va’aluk. Dyan’jhor Krel. Vym’mnon Schraekke. Caldoeh of the Pit. Vasse Elorre. Alorn’sk Ventet. Ly’otte Kanskeel.   6. Maybe the word for (noble) sir is “vu’le.” Lower castes would use the term “z’hav” or “z’havet” (feminine).   7. Lord is still lord, but a more accurate term is High Minister or Magister, or Magistus vu’ Suprecie. Or Privat Arconis (The First amongst Archons, or The Archon Arisen, The Blessed Eternal Archon). The group of council members known as Magistae sav S’yanis. “Zenarch Eternal.”   8. Is there a thing where only the Highlord Godking has a secure position? Any other highlord can be replaced maybe?   9. HAGS - mortal (human) witches cast away to the lower planes of existence, only to eventually find a way back… but changed. Taller. Stronger. Sickening to the eyes. At least one type of hag (Annis Hag) tend to meet these specs. They’re also less intelligent than their physically weaker sister.   10. ELEMENTALS - unnatural abominations made by those harnessing extremely refined Eret Si’nu. These entities are (low) intelligences “made from” the primary elements of old. Experiments that could be easily deemed either failures or terrible successes. Though weak of mind, they are more than aware of their origin, and despise the mortals who “woke them” unto this universe.   11. MYCONIDS (FUNGAL FOLK) - created by the Grogan as an early attempt to stimulate ambulatory life in the flora of Gothenya, they were for a brief time their crowning achievement. This honor was short-lived, and soon they were essentially abandoned in favor of more “complex” animations. But they kept on developing, both physically and culturally. Myambu’ul. Saphambule. Mycolambul. Myambule(t). Mycobulare. Mycerelle.   12. DRAGONS - born of a species native to the Ulta “Midworld” - Aquila Solis (that, chronologically between Earth & Gothenya), they were experimented upon and altered (for domestication and specialization). Dragon “colors” are traits added by the Ulta, and designate their specialization.     CHARACTER   1. The mortal bad (Dovan) has motivations and beliefs not out of sync with Dreeva. Knows that the gods are charlatans. Unlike Dreeva, wants to exploit them in a different way.   2. Would Dreeva use his advanced societal advantage to make himself famous? Rich? Powerful? Influential? Inventive?    

The Child God of the Desert…

    Could it be that one thought dead still remains? Living as a hermit, but with a fanatical following of nomadic zealots? The ageless being. Unable to physically mature yet with a mind spanning aeons of experience.   What would be this immortal’s desires? It’s plans? And what of the Halbion Dynasty hiding in the south. Could Essendra have been raised amongst the desert nomads? Now rising as their earthly leader?   The child god… Is it Faldrighel himself? In a most unexpected form? Born of sand and sun fire.  

Gothenya Titles/Terms

  1. Supreme Pontiff - High Overlord to the Lentokki peoples. The prophet who “speaks for god.” The (First) Lord Bishop of Decay. The Praenuntius. The Primogenitor. The Augur of the Eight Divinities. The Lentokki mock the western faith they warred against by embracing its counter, or dark reflection. It is unknown if they even believe in such matters of faith.   2. Archbishop or First Speaker, Patriarch, Heirophant, Prime Cardinal, Primo Deductor (Princeps), Advocate, Vicar, Cantor.   3. Maybe based on an emblematic/iconic animal?   4. The Earthly/Mortal Redeemer, Shepherd, Guiding (First) Light (Lux), Solar/Solaris Procuratorem, Praefectus Princeps, The Lumen Solis (light/sunlight).  


  1. Dreeva never fit in. On his backwater planet on the edge of colonial space, he was a petty criminal at best. A slacker at worst.   2. Survey work was a way out for many low life’s from the colonial dregs. You get paid. There’s travel. And best of all, you get the blood. An infusion of the blood of the Vala’suun. To help with the long term missions. Likely as it was that such expeditions would take well beyond the life expectancy of the average un-ascended human.   3. The un-ascended. Sometimes called “Withers” or “Shorties” (for short timers). Either the progeny of those who refused ascension, or those denied it due to unfortunate birth (low caste or inferior genes).   4. To escape the despair of rim world life, Dreeva frustrated himself further by adopting a dream life beyond his ability to attain. Storytellers, particularly ones capable of making a living at it, were essentially unknown in these parts. Unable to adapt, and otherwise stuck in his own head, Dreeva often resorted to petty theft. Just to scrape together enough to eat.   5. The Survey Program was the answer to all his problems. Everything fixed. In one fell swoop. Money. Travel. Adventure. Time. All the time he’s ever need or desire.   6. When Dreeva escapes being killed during his survey mission, he’s not alone. Another also makes it out. Possibly the one who will become Xrie Palax (fake Solti version). They might even be companions for a time, ultimately splitting over Dreeva’s lack of ambition… or the other’s over abundance of it.   7. Maybe Dreeva even had a chance to stop him before he could become what he eventually would. But he doesn’t have it in him. This might deflate him to the point of basically becoming a creature of avoidance.   8. This moment could come when the two are about to split. Or  9. Perhaps when Xrie begins to gain some power, yet is still touchable. The signs are all there. His followers are cult-like. Dreeva has to see if this whispered about being is who he thinks it is. He goes to Xrie’s camp and is surprised at the warm welcome from his old friend.   10. After a week there, living off their hospitality, he realizes the existential threat Xrie poses and decides to end it. He has the right access. Only a matter of choosing the right moment. 11. He wavers when the time comes and aborts the attempt.   12. Later, when leaving, Xrie casually explains that he knew what Dreeva had in mind. But knew just as well that he could never go through with something so in need of spirit and resolve.   13. Dreeva is free to go. Humiliated.   Venna & Dreeva   Venna is old. Very old. But your never know it from her appearance. She’s lived countless lives in the material realms. She might have even captained a vessel and had a relationship with Dreeva.   When she is summoned by the Boorka, they must make use of human desire. Dreeva unwittingly selects Venna through both his desire and guilt at thinking he was responsible for her demise.

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