Church of the First

The Church of the First devotes itself to the worship of Tynathria, Mother of All. She is the First, and it is from Her that all others are born—gods and Devils alike. All faiths are born of Her faith. All blood is born of Her blood.


Supreme Leader

  • The First Voice: This title belongs to the supreme leader of the Church, believed to communicate directly with Tynathria and interpret her will. The First Voice leads the church, decides on doctrinal matters, and oversees all significant rituals.

Hierarchical Clergy

  • High Priests/Priestesses (Dragonscales): Just below the First Voice, these leaders manage regional operations, ensure the purity of doctrine, and conduct high-level diplomatic or secretive missions. Each might oversee a specific aspect of Tynathria’s dogma (e.g., creation, ambition, war, wisdom).
  • Priests/Priestesses (Dragonclaws): These clergy members run individual temples or lead caravans. They are responsible for everyday religious activities, preaching, converting new followers, and maintaining the order's presence in their designated areas.
  • Acolytes (Dragonwings): Junior members of the clergy who assist in services, care for temple grounds and receive training. They often travel with caravans to gain experience.

Specialized Roles

  • Keepers of the Lore (Dragonminds): Scholars and sages responsible for studying and preserving the church’s teachings, ancient texts, and prophecies related to Tynathria.
  • Guardians of the Faith (Dragonshields): Armed protectors of the temples, caravans, and high-ranking officials. They are trained in combat and tasked with physically protecting the church’s assets and personnel.
  • Emissaries of the First (Dragonpaths): Diplomats who engage with rulers, other religious groups, and influential organizations to advocate for the church's interests and negotiate alliances or truces.

Worship and Ritualistic Body

  • Ceremonial Masters (Dragonfires): Priests who specialize in the performance of rituals and ceremonies. They are adept at the magical and theatrical aspects of worship, designed to inspire and awe both followers and outsiders.
  • Seers of the First (Dragoneyes): Mystics who claim to receive visions from Tynathria, guiding the church’s decisions with their prophetic insights.

Outreach and Conversion

  • Missionaries (Dragonheralds): These members are specifically tasked with spreading Tynathria’s faith across Golarion. They travel extensively, often as part of the caravans, to preach, perform public miracles, and convert new followers.
  • Inquisitors (Dragonfangs): Agents tasked with rooting out heresy within the church and ensuring that the doctrine remains pure. They might also covertly investigate rival religious groups.


Reverence for the Divine Progenitor

  • Divine Parentage: Members of the Church of the First view Tynathria not only as a supreme deity but also as the ultimate ancestor of all gods and divine beings. This belief instills a deep reverence for Tynathria, seen as the source of all divine authority and cosmic balance.
  • Sacredness of Dragons: Given Tynathria's draconic nature, dragons are considered sacred and are revered as direct manifestations of her power. This reverence extends to adopting dragon-like symbols and rituals that emulate draconic traits and behaviors.

Pursuit of Ambition

  • Personal Ascendancy: The culture of the Church encourages the pursuit of personal power and ambition. This is seen as a reflection of Tynathria's own rise to power and her status as the First. Members are taught to strive for excellence and dominance in their respective fields, mirroring the divine hierarchy.
  • Meritocratic Ideals: Promotions within the church are based not just on devotion but also on achievements and the ability to expand the church's influence. This meritocratic system encourages competition and innovation among the clergy and laity alike.

Unity and Loyalty

  • Collective Strength: While individual ambition is valued, unity under Tynathria’s banner is paramount. The church teaches that like a dragon's multifaceted but singular body, all members must work in harmony to fulfill the church’s divine mission.
  • Doctrine of Supremacy: The belief in Tynathria's supremacy over other gods fosters a strong group identity. Members are encouraged to support one another against external religious and secular challenges, enhancing internal cohesion.

Ritualistic Practices

  • Complex Rituals: The culture is rich in rituals that emphasize the mystical and powerful nature of Tynathria. These include elaborate ceremonies, sacrificial offerings, and the use of arcane symbols that draw on draconic magic.
  • Annual Celebrations: The church calendar features significant holy days commemorating key events in Tynathria's mythology, such as her emergence from the void, the creation of the first dragons, and her prophesied return to full power.

Outreach and Conversion

  • Evangelical Zeal: Spreading the faith is a cultural imperative for the church. Missionaries carry the message of Tynathria’s supremacy with zeal, often traveling great distances to convert new followers and establish new congregations.
  • Adaptability: While the church has a strong core identity, it is also culturally adaptable, allowing it to blend into diverse societies to facilitate conversion and assimilation.

Response to Adversity

  • Militant Defense: In the face of opposition, the church’s culture promotes a militant and strategic response, reflecting Tynathria's attributes as a warlike protector. Guardians of the Faith, both spiritual and physical, are highly respected for their role in defending the church.
  • Strategic Patience: The church also teaches that like Tynathria, who bided her time while trapped, members should be patient and strategic, waiting for the right moment to advance their divine agenda.

Cosmological Views

Creation Myth

The Emergence of The First: In the beginning, there was an infinite void, a realm of unformed potentials and silent darkness. From this nothingness, Tynathria emerged, manifesting through sheer will and divine essence. As the first being, she possessed the power to shape reality and bring forth both matter and life.   Birth of the Dragons and the Gods: Tynathria's first act of creation was the birth of the dragons, creatures that embodied her strength, wisdom, and elemental power. Each dragon bore a spark of her divine essence, making them the oldest and most powerful beings in the cosmos after Tynathria herself. Following the dragons, she created the gods, beings tasked with overseeing various aspects of the newly formed world—each reflecting a facet of Tynathria’s own vast powers.  

Philosophy of Creation

Interconnectedness of All Life: The Church teaches that all life is interconnected through Tynathria’s initial act of creation. This interconnectedness is a central tenet, influencing how followers see the world and their place in it. Every creature, no matter how insignificant, shares a divine spark originating from Tynathria.   The Cycle of Rebirth and Dominance: Just as Tynathria rose from nothing, she instills in her followers the belief in the potential for rebirth and dominance. The cycle of creation and destruction is seen not as a series of tragic ends but as necessary phases in the eternal process of renewal and empowerment.  

The Role of Tynathria in the Cosmos

Eternal Watcher: Tynathria is believed to watch over the cosmos continually, guiding and influencing events to ensure the balance of power remains in favor of those who recognize her supremacy. This guardianship is crucial to maintaining the order and structure of the universe.   The Promised Return: Followers of the Church of the First believe in a prophesied time when Tynathria will return in full glory to reassert her dominion over all creation. This belief in an impending divine ascendance shapes the church’s rituals and doctrines, preparing the world for her eventual return.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Church of the First


Fundamental Principles

The following tenets are central to the beliefs and daily practices of followers within the Church of the First, guiding their actions and their understanding of divine will as communicated through Tynathria, the Mother of All.  

The Tenets

1. Supremacy of the First: Acknowledge Tynathria as the supreme progenitor of all gods and creatures. Her will is paramount and her authority absolute. Worship of other gods is tolerated only if it acknowledges Tynathria's superiority.   2. Sacredness of Dragons: Honor and revere dragons as the firstborn of Tynathria and the closest beings to her divine essence. Damaging or killing a dragon without divine sanction is a grave sin.   3. Pursuit of Power: Strive for personal power and influence as a reflection of Tynathria’s divine example. Ambition is not only encouraged but expected; it is through personal ascension that one truly venerates the First.   4. Unity Under the First: While personal ambition is vital, unity among the faithful is paramount. All actions and goals should ultimately serve to strengthen the Church and its mission.   5. Spread of the Faith: Actively work to expand the influence of the Church of the First. Convert others to the faith through persuasion, demonstration of power, or when necessary, through more forceful means.   6. Obedience to the Clergy: Respect and obey those above you in the church hierarchy, for they speak with the authority of Tynathria. The structure of the Church is a reflection of the divine order.   7. Defense of the Faith: Defend the church’s teachings and members against all threats, both external and internal. This includes battling heresy, defending the church’s properties, and engaging in warfare if sanctioned by the clergy.   8. Preparation for the Return: Prepare the world for the eventual return of Tynathria to full power. This includes gathering resources, conducting rituals, and aligning the world’s power structures in favor of her dominion.   9. Observance of Holy Days: Participate in and uphold the sacred rituals and celebrations that honor significant events in Tynathria’s mythology and history.   10. Secrecy and Strategy: Maintain secrecy regarding the church’s most sacred mysteries and strategies. Discretion ensures the security and effectiveness of the church’s plans and protects its sacred knowledge from the unworthy.  

Compliance and Enforcement

Compliance with these tenets is monitored by the clergy, particularly the Inquisitors (Dragonfangs), who ensure doctrinal purity and discipline within the church. Violations of these commandments can result in disciplinary actions ranging from penance to expulsion, or even execution for the most severe transgressions.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Impact on Other Religions and Political Entities

The Church of the First, devoted to Tynathria, the alleged progenitor of all gods and divine beings, has a complex and often contentious relationship with other religious and political powers. As it aggressively promotes the supremacy of Tynathria, it challenges established religious doctrines and power structures across various realms.  

Reactions from Other Religions

Church of Asmodeus: The Church of Asmodeus stands as a significant opponent of the Church of the First. Asmodeus, who claims to be one of the first entities of creation along with his brother Ihys, perceives the Church of the First as a direct threat to his authority and dominion. This has led to heightened tensions, with the Church of Asmodeus actively working to undermine the influence of Tynathria’s followers through theological debates, political maneuvering, and occasionally, open conflict.   Other Religious Groups: Many traditional religious organizations view the Church of the First with suspicion and wariness. The radical doctrine that positions Tynathria above all other gods often leads to religious conflicts, particularly with faiths that have established pantheons. Smaller cults or those marginalized in the religious spectrum might find common ground with the Church of the First, especially if they benefit from opposing larger, more dominant religions.  

Reactions from Political Powers

The political impact of the Church of the First varies by region. In areas where the church has a significant following, political leaders might seek alliances or at least a non-aggressive pact to harness the church’s influence for their own ends. In regions where traditional religions are closely tied to the state, political powers might view the Church of the First as destabilizing and treat its expansion as a threat to their control.  

Diplomatic and Hostile Responses

Diplomatic Engagements: In some cases, political entities engage diplomatically with the Church of the First, seeking to integrate its followers peacefully to avoid conflict and benefit from their often considerable economic and social influence.   Hostile Actions: Conversely, some states backed by opposing religious powers engage in repressive or hostile actions against the Church of the First, banning its practices, persecuting its followers, or engaging in military actions against regions where the church is dominant.  

Overall Influence

The Church of the First's aggressive stance on the divinity of Tynathria and its mission to assert her supremacy creates a dynamic force within the religious and political landscape. This influence can lead to significant shifts in power balances, sparking both alliances and conflicts, reshaping the geopolitical and theological maps wherever the church gains a foothold.
Founding Date
3720 AR
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members