The Road to Lestreppe in Gokrenxia | World Anvil

The Road to Lestreppe

An excerpt from Tales of the Inner Council, Episode 6: The Stranger in Stormbreak:  
The path to Lestreppe was a narrow, claustrophobic cave with a low ceiling and a steep incline leading higher into the Stormbreak mountains. Hooded lanterns at regular intervals cast pale green shadows along the walls. All was silent, save for their footsteps on the worn stone floor. Oppressive, was the word that came to Tashkerr's mind as he followed closely behind the messenger who'd fetched him. He'd insisted Tash come without delay. There was no time to wash up or change out of his battle gear from the fight with the huge Dweller beast outside Nishram Gate. Tash's mind wandered, hoping nothing terrible had happened to his parents.

Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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