Adventure: The Bounty Board Plot in Gokrenxia | World Anvil

Adventure: The Bounty Board

An Ironsworn RPG One-Shot
This one-shot adventure framework is based on the Ironsworn role-playing game (found at, created by Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  

About Ironsworn

Unlike traditional role-playing games (RPGs), Ironsworn easily serves as a solo game where dice and random tables come alongside your imagination to serve as a guide to your adventure. As such, Ironsworn lends itself to an evolving story you discover through play over fully prepared and fleshed out plots, villains, enemies, allies, and obstacles. The Bounty Board strives to strike a balance by creating a guided framework for a one-shot solo adventure, without pre-defining exactly what that adventure is.   As we walk through the mechanics of the framework, we will also provide two distinct play-throughs serving as examples leveraging it to run two separate adventures. The thing to remember with Ironsworn is prep is play; meaning we’ll “play” through the construction of the evolving story as we go.  

What You'll Need to Play

  • Grab a copy of the Ironsworn Rulebook PDF, Asset Cards, and (optionally) the Ironsworn Playkit from the Ironsworn Website.
  • A pair of Ten-sided dice. These are your Challenge Dice.
  • A Six-sided die. This is your Action Die.
  • Paper and pencil to track your character


    Background & Synopsis

    by Koragath via Wonderdraft
    Almost 60 years have passed since the end of the Great War that brought down the Elven Empire. Strewn across the vast, lawless expanse of land now known as the Zuul’Hy Freelands the remnants of fallen Imperial villages, towns, settlements, and cities lie abandoned and, in many cases, forgotten. For a myriad of reasons an endless array of factions of power mongers, collectors, treasure hunters, knowledge-seekers, nobles, and unsavory characters seek brave adventurers to accomplish an endless array of tasks involving the ruins of the Empire.   In nearly every city across the land, these contract jobs are posted to some shape and form of The Bounty Board. For reasons of your own, you have decided to take on a one of the recent postings.

    Setup: Your Character

    Decide why your character is taking on reclamation contracts. If you are uncertain or this is a new character, feel free to Ask the Oracle for an Action + Theme and envision how that would drive your character (Ironsworn pgs. 174-175). Write it on your character sheet with a Rank of Epic. This is your character’s primary motivation.   Next, follow the Ironsworn Rulebook for creating your character (a summary of the steps can be found on pg 47).  

    Jasper's Story

    Eric rolls on the Actions and Themes Oracle tables and gets Action: Eliminate + Theme: Direction. After considering for a few minutes he decides his character is a human teenager named Jasper Thrugen. Jasper has been working as a blacksmith's apprentice for years. Long hours seeing little to no share of the shop’s profits while the owner reaps in the benefits of his hard work have caused Jasper to realize he’s tired of taking orders. He needs to do something radically different if he wants to change his fortune. So, Jasper has decided to take a Bounty Board contract on the side as a means to begin forging his own path to a brighter tomorrow.

    Emmary's Story

    Julie, on the other hand, rolls Action: Find + Theme: Supply. She decides her character, a Mahnkii Lizardwoman named Emmary Kanjoo, is a salvager who makes her living retrieving anything of use from the ruins of the Freelands to be resold. She’s in need of some new supplies in order to keep food on the table and oil in the lanterns. Having a wealthy patron with a map to some long forgotten village is a win-win!

    Act I: The Meet


    Scene I: The Patron

    Now that you know your character’s motivation for taking the contract. Let’s figure out who it is that’s offering work. Perhaps you already have an idea on who this person is. If not, you can Ask the Oracle for a Character Descriptor, Character Role, and Character Goal (Ironsworn pgs. 182-183). Since there could be many contracts available, feel free to keep, drop, or reroll any of these selections until you find a story that resonates with you.
  • Define the Patron
  • Jasper's Story

    Eric roles and gets Descriptor: Dying + Role: Pilgrim + Goal: Seeking Redemption. He figures this patron is a frail and dying Imperial Elf who used to live in the settlement of interest. He’s come to Jasper’s town for medical aid. Before he dies, he longs to recover a valuable family heirloom his parents left behind when his family was forced to flee East during the war. He’s offering a contract to recover the heirloom.

    Emmary's Story

    Julie roles and gets Descriptor: Active + Role: Hunter + Goal: Collect a Debt. The first thing that comes to mind is a busy bounty hunter who’s owed money from a vagabond hiding out in some old ruins. However, she doesn’t see Emmary being the type to take a job as hired muscle. It just doesn’t fit her concept. Deciding to reroll, she gets Descriptor: Obsessed + Role: Hunter + Goal: Find a person.   The Oracle clearly thinks Emmary needs to work for a Hunter. This time one who’s obsessively searching for a person. Tying this and the previous rolls together, what if it were the same patron? A single (active) hunter who has too many jobs on their plate (the price of fame!). Julie loves the idea of Emmary seeking out a job from a famous but overworked bounty hunter who has a contract to locate someone they heard might be hiding out in the ruins in question (though perhaps the details as to why and what happens next are in question)!

    Scene II: The Locale

    Envision the type of place where it would make the most sense to meet The Patron. Is it the tried and true tavern, a guild hall, a tower or workshop, a garden, the market, a mansion, their home, a statue in town square, an old tree on the outskirts of town, by the city gate, or somewhere else entirely?   Now add some flavor to the location. What makes it memorable or interesting? If nothing comes to mind or you want to leave it to chance, Ask the Oracle for a location descriptor (Ironsworn pg. 177).   Next, decide how your character feels about the place upon arrival. What are they thinking as they arrive?   Last, identify a problem or obstacle in reaching The Patron. Are they a Very Important Person, with many people trying to grab a moment of their time? Are there body guards or a particularly ornery administrator who gates access to The Patron? Are they somewhere your character either can’t or shouldn’t go? Is it somewhere dangerous? If if makes sense for the story you envision, combine moves like Secure an Advantage, Face Danger, and Compel, to overcome those obstacles. Let the mechanical actions of the system follow where the narrative takes you. Maybe there aren’t any obstacles to securing the contract. That’s okay too!
  • Define the Locale
  • Identify a problem
  • Deal with the problem!

    Jasper's Story

    The recently arrived, dying pilgrim is staying with at his daughter’s house while receiving medical treatment. Eric rolls on the location descriptor table and gets Withered. He decides the father’s ailment has been taking significant amounts of the daughter’s time in caring for him. As a result, the beautiful flower garden outside the home has largely withered. It stands out on this particular block and the neighbors are none too happy about it.   He encounters no problems walking up and knocking on the door, although neighbors watch disapprovingly as yet another strangers traipses down their street to “that house.” Given the state of the house, Jasper is less than confident this job will net him fame and fortune. Perhaps the low pay is why no ”serious” candidates have taken the job, but without any reputation to rely upon, Jasper has to start somewhere, right?   Getting to the patron’s location doesn’t seem problematic, but instead Eric decides that due to The Patron’s illness, he’s currently comatose and unable to talk. Instead, Jasper will be speaking with The Patron’s skeptical daughter in the next scene, but with Jasper’s lack of experience, he’s betting Jasper will have to do some heavy negotiating to land the job.

    Emmary's Story

    Julie is certain the overworked hunter, constantly on the move, has taken up in a local inn and can be found there. Rolling Abundant on the descriptor table, she determines this Inn is at a major town intersection with ample access to everything the city has to offer. In fact, the Inn is upscale, and not exactly the kind of place a scavenger like Emmary is typically welcome. Julie makes a mental note that Emmary will need to talk her way past the door guards and might have trouble getting in. If anything goes sideways, she’d make an easy target for the city guard.   Wanting to start things off on the right foot, Emmary smiles and tries to make her way through the front door with natural charm (Compel Roll: 1 + 1 Heart = 2 vs. 3 + 7 on the challenge dice is a Miss! Emmary must Pay the Price). The guards take one look at her and immediately judge she’s trouble. They refuse to let her in, that is of course unless she can afford the “entry tax” they say nodding and smirking at each other. She considers concocting a story or trying to sneak in some other way, but she’s not willing to risk the contract. Fishing a few coins from her already-light purse, she hands over the tax (-1 Supply), but takes note of the guards’ faces to possibly revisit them at a later date. Snickering, they wave her through.

    Scene III: Accepting The Contract

    Now that you’ve reached The Patron, it’s time to flesh out some of the details around the contract and how the conversation with your character goes. To start, think about how The Patron initially responds to your character. What’s The Tone of your meeting? You can always Ask the Oracle on the Action table for inspiration. Envision why the patron might react to your character this way.   Next, think about The Patron’s motivation for this contract. Why is it they want to accomplish their Goal? Why does it matter to them? Leverage the Action-Theme combination and envision The Backstory that led them to their current situation if nothing about the story already jumps out at you.   Based on The Patron, Goal, and Backstory, think about who or what is opposing this goal. This is the overarching Threat to the contract. It drives why the contract needs to be fulfilled now. Consider The Ramifications of what would happen if The Threat wins and The Patron’s Goal isn’t achieved. With all of this decided, make the Swear an Iron Vow action to accept the contract. Give the Vow a name and assign it a rank for difficulty. For the purposes of a one-shot, perhaps this is not a complicated task and can be set as a Troublesome rank. Follow the provided results for the roll to determine your character’s starting footing.
  • Define the Tone
  • Define the Backstory
  • Define the Threat
  • Define the Ramification of failure
  • Swear an Iron Vow

    Jasper's Story

    Rolling Action: Communicate, Jasper finds the Pilgrim’s distraught and downcast daughter’s initial tone to be extremely open to talking about the contract and the overall situation. For the backstory, he rolls a challenging Oracle of Action: Share + Theme: Ally. So the Pilgrim’s Goal of “seeking redemption” involving a family heirloom has something to do with an Ally. Eric decides the the girl’s father (The Pilgrim) and her uncle (her father’s brother) were the best of friends growing up, but had a major falling out after the family fled due to the war. They’ve not spoken in years, and the rift weighs heavy on her father’s heart. He’s often spoken of a particular painting of their family that used to hang above their hearth. She believes if the painting can somehow be recovered, she can remind her father and uncle of better times and mend the rift in their family.   Eric decides the natural Threat seems to be the illness. That is, this contract is a race against time to recover the painting before the illness claims her father. With reconciliation between the two brothers, the daughter will have no family to lean upon. She will likely lose her house and have nowhere to turn. The Uncle, on the other hand, will continue to carry his bitterness forward into everything he does, showing little empathy for others in his sphere of influence, thus creating a forward ripple effect on misery in the world.   No one else has been willing to take the contract as she doesn’t have much to offer, but Jasper’s bleeding heart gets the best of him and he agrees to take fulfill the contract. Swearing an iron vow (Roll 2 + 3 Heart = 5 vs 1 + 8 on the Challenge dice), Eric gets a weak hit. Jasper takes +1 Momentum, but has more questions than answers. The daughter provides the old name of the settlement and has a rough idea of where it was located, but isn’t 100% certain. Jasper will have to do some searching to find it once he arrives.

    Emmary's Story

    With the negative connotation of an Action: Lose roll to set the tone, the hunter takes one look at Emmary and has made up his mind that she will fail to complete the contract. Emmary is going to have to oversell (lie about) her people-finding skills and Julie attempts a Compel action (Roll 3 + 3 Shadow = 6 vs 3 + 3 on the Challenge dice is a Strong hit with a Critical result!). Laughing at her good fortune, Julie decides not only does Emmary convince the Hunter how skilled she is, a member of the local Thieves Guild happens to be present, has taken notice of her, and at some point in the future will be reaching out with offers for additional contracts!   Julie takes +1 momentum as Emmary gains some forward velocity in her story and moves to determine the contract’s backstory. She rolls Action: Challenge + Theme: Blood and immediately considers something dealing with a bloodline - perhaps a challenge to who should be in charge? What if the Person needing to be located (the Patron’s goal) is the next in line to take leadership of one of the many Ja’nakh tribes roaming the Zuul’Hy Freelands. They’ve disavowed the tribe and chosen to live alone as a hermit.   But something has happened and leadership of the Tribe has come into question. There is a faction who wants the hermit to return and claim their right to lead. The contract is to locate the hermit and convince them to return. It occurs to Julie a very natural threat here is an opposing, militaristic faction within the tribe that has no desire to see the hermit return. They are actively searching for the hermit as well to remove him from the board and it’s only a matter of time before they succeed. This is a contract to determine the future of a Ja’nakh Tribe!   Julie Swears an Iron Vow (Roll 2 + 1 Heart = 3 vs 3 + 7 on the Challenge dice is a Miss) and discovers Emmary has a significant obstacle to overcome before beginning. Apparently the Thieve’s Guild wasn’t the only one listening in on her conversation. Members of the Opposing Faction overheard where the hermit was hiding and have a head start! To make matters worse, a section of her fence has fallen and her horse got loose, delaying her ability to head out. Julie marks the Threat track to mechanically reflect that Emmary is already behind the power curve and is less prepared for the journey than she’d prefer. She has no time to collect ample supplies.

    INTERLUDE: The Journey


    Scene I: The Destination

    Let’s figure where our hero is headed! Envision the location or Ask the Oracle for a location descriptor, location, and possibly even a location name (Ironsworn pgs. 176-180).
  • Define the Destination

    Jasper's Story

    Eric rolls Descriptor: Remote + Location: River Ford with (ironically) a name of Blackford. He decides Blackford was actually a small town the Elves had built across and above a river. It provided safe passage between two different regions. When the war came, the Imperials decided to burn it down to delay the advancing armies from crossing. There’s no telling what Jasper will find still standing, once he locates it.

    Emmary's Story

    Julie, on the other hand, rolls Descriptor: Ruined + Location: Road with the name of Greatbridge. She decides this ruined city was once a popular waypoint for goods and services, but was utterly decimated by the fighting and never repopulated. The roads to the city are in significant disrepair. They are overgrown with plant life and wild animals are known to frequent the area where the Hermit is living.

    Scene II: Travel

    There are several mechanics within Ironsworn for playing through a journey. In a longer story arc or campaign, we might setup the travel as a dangerous journey with multiple waypoints and interesting discoveries via the Undertake an Expedition action. Feel free to pursue that route if this appeals to you! For the purposes of this one shot though, we’ll zoom out on the journey and make a single Face Danger roll to see how our heroes and heroines fare.
  • Make the Journey

    Jasper's Story

    Jasper arrives in the area the daughter believed Blackford was located, but is dismayed to find it’s not there! (Face Danger: Roll 2 + Edge 2 = 4 vs 3 + 10, a Weak hit). Eric gives Jasper -1 momentum and marks the first three boxes on the Threat track to reflect time passing as the Pilgrim’s illness advances while Jasper begins a more extensive search for Blackford‘s actual location. Alongside his faithful Hound (an Asset selected at character creation), Jasper refuses to be deterred and expands his search. Eric attempts to Gather Information and locate the true site of Blackford, relying on Jasper’s endurance to carry him through (Roll 6 + 2 Iron + 1 Hound = 9 vs 6 + 8 on the challenge dice for a Strong hit!). It takes crucial time, but eventually the two companions locate an abandoned trail that leads the to the site. Large wooden columns still rise from the rapids, but the buildings are barely standing…

    Emmary's Story

    Short on funds and already at a disadvantage, Emmary decides to steal everything she needs to speed along her Journey. Julie makes a Secure an Advantage move (Roll 6 + 3 Shadow + 1 Trickster asset = 10 vs 4 + 9 on the Challenge dice. A Strong hit!). Concerned there could be a climactic showdown with the opposing tribe, Julie decides to take +2 momentum over the more immediate +1 roll to Emmary’s next action.   Emmary sets outs and Faces Danger, moving with all the speed she can muster (Roll 2 + Edge 2 = 4 vs 3 + 5 on the Challenge dice. A Weak hit). Julie knows that Emmary can’t afford to be delayed further, given the opposing tribe’s head start. Instead, she imagines Emmary racing through the night, never stopping to sleep. (-1 Health. Endure Harm 2 + 4 Health = 6 vs 2 + 10 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit). By morning’s light, Emmary arrives first at the ruins of Greatbridge, utterly exhausted and not at the top of her game.


    Your character has made it to the site of their contract! Can they complete it before it’s too late? In Act II, they’ll face three different challenges or obstacles. Begin to consider what they might be. Are there environmental hazards (lava, fire, storms, slippery caves, high mountains, or tall trees)? Are there traps or puzzles to be solved left behind by the former residents? Are there guardians of some kind between your character and their goal?   You might wonder why three challenges specifically? Since this is a Troublesome ranked quest, each milestone represents 3 boxes (out of 10) toward completion.   Don’t forget your Threat. If your character is delayed too long, the threat advances forward!  

    Scene I: Challenge I

    Choose the first challenge or Ask the Oracle for an inspiring Action+Theme combination.
  • Define the obstacle
  • Deal with it!

    Jasper's Story

    Eric imagines the waters beneath the remnants of Blackford rush by. Jasper stands on the shore of the river, eyeing the rocks jutting up from the water downstream. His Hound looks from the rocks to Jasper and gives a concerned whine, laying down on the banks in protest. “I know boy. I’m nervous too,” Jasper says.   Crossing the old, slick, and decaying wood seems a dangerous endeavor. Taking his rope, Jasper secures one end around a tree, and another around his waist (Secure an Advantage Roll 4 + 1 Wits = 4 vs 1 + 4 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit. Eric takes +1 to his next move). Steeling his nerves, Jasper carefully jumps across the rapids from one thick wooden pylon to the next (Face Danger Roll 4 + 2 Edge + 1 Advantage = 7 vs 1 + 5 on the Challenge dice. A strong hit!) Eric marks +1 Momentum as Jasper conquers the first obstacle and marks 3 progress boxes against his Vow.

    Emmary's Story

    The Hermit was serious that he didn’t want to be bothered. Julie envisions traps placed around Greatbridge. Some of them are hunter’s traps, perhaps meant to catch game for food, while others are holdovers from the war, set by the Imperials to defend their town and kept in good repair by The Hermit. Though she’s exhausted from riding through the night, Emmary has to move slowly and pick her way through the traps. (Face Danger Roll 2 + Wits 2 = 2 4 vs 5 + 7 on the Challenge dice. A Miss!) Emmary falls afoul of one of the traps and must Pay the Price. Julie imagines Emmary falling into a pit trap, suffering serious harm as her leg attempts to fold beneath her at an unnatural angle (-2 Health. Endure Harm Roll 6 + 2 Health = 8 vs 1 + 5 on the Challenge dice. A Strong hit. +1 Health). Emmary grimaces in pain and checks herself over. Her leg is merely sprained and isn’t as bad as she first thought, but it’s going to be tender for a while.   Emmary attempts to climb out from the pit (Face Danger Roll 4 + Iron 1 = 1 5 vs 2 + 4 on the Challenge dice. A Strong hit!). Tired, sore, and now covered in dirt she pulls herself back to level ground and moves more cautiously into the ruined city. Julie marks the first three boxes of the progress track, but decides the trap has delayed Emmary more than she’d hoped. The Opposing Tribe members are on the move. As such, Julie also marks the next three boxes of the Threat track, bringing the Threat to six of ten boxes. They’re not far away now!

    Scene II: Challenge II

    Choose the second challenge or Ask the Oracle for an inspiring Action+Theme combination.
  • Define the obstacle
  • Deal with it!

    Jasper's Story

    Eric wants to up the excitement level for Jasper, who has had it pretty easy so far. As Jasper begins his search for the painting, he disturbs a huge river serpent who’s made the the dilapidated wooden buildings its nest! Its body is bigger around than Jasper’s biceps. His eyes go wide in shock as he draws his short sword.   Eric adds a Progress Track for a Troublesome River Snake and begins the combat (Enter the Fray Roll 6 + 2 Iron = 8 vs 8 + 8. A Critical Miss! Jasper has to Pay the Price). Taken completely off-guard, Jasper attempts to scramble backward, loosing his footing. His sword tumbles from his hand into the raging waters of the river followed by Jasper. His rope goes taught, just shy of the sharp the rocks. From the river bank, his hound jumps up, barking in warning as the snake slips into the river, swimming toward its prey, hunger in its eyes.   (Clash Roll 5 + Iron 2 = 2 7 vs 1 + 2 on the Challenge dice. A Strong hit! 2 Harm and Jasper is In Control) Fighting for his very survival, water forcefully pulling the rope around his waist tighter and tighter, Jasper takes a deep breath and dips below the surface, gaining a view of the snake’s impending attack. It moves with lightning speed, but somehow he manages to wrap both hands around its neck before it has the ability to encircle him. He squeezes with all of his might. Eric marks six progress boxes against the snake as its jaws lash out with great ferocity.   Jasper’s lungs begin to burn, but he refuses to let go of the ferocious creature. He squeezes with all of his might (Strike Roll 5 + Iron 2 = 7 vs 5 + 7 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit. 1 Harm and lose control). Eric marks boxes seven through nine on the serpent’s challenge track.   Eric decides to try and End the Fight (Progress 9 vs 2 + 7 on the Challenge dice. A Strong hit!) Realizing Jasper is anything but the tasty treat it’d expected, the serpent releases its grip and speeds away upriver. Eric then marks progress boxes four through six for the contract, and decides with how fast the conflict ran, this was (thankfully)not enough time to mark the disease threat.

    Emmary's Story

    Once inside the trapped outskirts of Greatbridge, Emmary begins her search for the Hermit. Julie decides Emmary ALSO just can’t help but also be keeping an eye out for valuables she might be able to sell. (Gather Information Roll 1 + 2 Wits + 1 Scavenger Asset = 4 vs 9 + 9 on the Challenge dice. A critical miss! Oh no!) Not only did Emmary not find the Hermit, she dawdles far too long searching for valuables. Precious time passes and Julie marks the Opposing Tribe’s threat track to nine of ten boxes! Julie decides the Opposing Tribe has arrived in the city. They easily bypassed the traps on the outskirts and now are spreading out, methodically searching for the Hermit. Things just got a LOT more dangerous for both Emmary AND the Hermit. One more failure like that and the Opposing Tribe will locate the Hermit first!   Sneaking through the rubble of burned-out buildings, Emmary focuses on avoiding the well-armed Tribe members, while seeking evidence of the Hermit‘s whereabouts. (Face Danger Roll 5 + 3 Shadow + 1 Trickster Asset = 9 vs 2 + 8 on the Challenge dice. A strong hit! Julie marks +1 momentum). (Gather Information Roll 5 + Wits 2 + 1 Scavenger Asset = 8 vs 6 + 10 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit). Emmary, now fully engaged and focused on her mission, manages to avoid the guards and locate the Hermit, but he absolutely refuses to leave.   Emmary attempts to quietly convince him that his life is in danger — people are NOT her strong suit! (Compel Roll 1 + Heart 1 = 2 vs 4 + 6 on the Challenge dice. A miss!) Realizing this missed Compel could mean the end of the adventure, and possibly the end of Emmary, Julie decides to burn the 7 momentum she’s ammased throughout. This changes her result of 2 to a 7, which flips this to a Strong hit! Julie imagines the two arguing in whispers, with Emmary finally losing her cool. She rushes forward, grabbing the Hermit by his collar.   “Listen to me, you fool! I don’t care whether or not you decide to lead. You don’t want to, FINE! But either you come with me now or THEY’RE GOING TO KILL YOU!” She jabs her finger toward one of the patrols, carefully picking it’s way from house to house. Sighing with one final glance at his home, the Hermit agrees to leave.   Julie marks progress tracks seven through nine, resetting Emmary’s Momentum to +2.

    Scene III: The Final Challenge!

    Choose or Ask the Oracle for an inspiring Action+Theme combination for the final, climactic challenge of your adventure!
  • Define the obstacle
  • Deal with it!

    Jasper's Story

    Having pulled himself back to the shore using his rope, Jasper carefully makes his way back into the ruins of Blackford to search for some hint of the painting. (Gather Information Roll 2 + Wits 1 = 3 vs 2 + 5 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit). It takes several days of searching, but eventually Jasper locates the painting. Eric marks boxes four through six on the Threat track as the Pilgrim’s illness progresses.   Eric has a sudden concern that the painting could be damaged and not salvageable given its exposure to the elements after all this time. He decides to Ask the Oracle and is relieved to find it has indeed been damaged, but is salvageable. (Likely damaged. 32 vs 26+ = Damaged. Is it salvageable (50/50)? 65 vs 50+ = Yes!) Eric marks boxes six through nine on the progress track as Jasper carefully rolls the painting up and stores it away in a holder. He collects his hound and his gear from the past several days and begins the long trek back to the city.

    Emmary's Story

    Emmary and the Hermit attempt to sneak out of the city, leaving the Opposing Tribe in the dust. (Face Danger Roll 2 + Shadow 3 + 1 Trickster Asset = 6 vs 6 + 7 on the Challenge dice. A miss!) Julie shakes her head at poor Emmary’s misfortune.   “Over here!” yells one of the guards. “I’ve found them!”   “Run! Now!” Hollers Emmary, grabbing the Hermit by the elbow and urging him forward. (Face Danger Roll 5 + Edge 2 = 7 vs 4 + 10 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit). Arrows rain down around them as the Hermit expertly leads the way through the maze of traps surrounding the city. Julie imagines one of the two taking a hit and rolls a 50/50 chance that it’s Emmary (Roll 07 vs 50. Not Emmary). The Hermits cries out as an arrow bites into his shoulder. Julie marks progress boxes six through nine as Emmary helps him up onto her stolen horse, and the two ride off with the Opposing Tribe close on their heels.


    ACT III: Conclusion

    Make the Fulfill Your Vow move and determine how your contract wraps up!  

    Jasper's Story

    Eric makes a Fulfill Your Vow move (Progress 9 vs 1 + 3 on the Challenge dice. A strong hit! Jasper gains 1 XP). Jasper makes it back to the city before the Pilgrim’s illness claims him. Having awakened from his coma, he and the daughter are both very grateful for Jasper’s help. Eric decides to try and Form a Bond with the family (Roll 1 + Heart 3 = 4 vs 4 + 7 on the Challenge dice. A Miss.) They’re thankful, but Jasper is just a commoner, and a Human. They pay him the agreed-upon price and send him on his way. What happens next, Jasper may never know.

    Emmary's Story

    Emmary and the Hermit flee for their lives, from the Opposing Tribe members. (Fulfill Your Vow Progress 9 vs 3 + 10 on the Challenge dice. A weak hit. Emmary gains 1 XP). With speed and deftness, they manage to escape. Though she didn’t manage to collect any new supplies, Emmary is pleased enough to have made it out with her life. As she celebrates from a hidden copse of trees off the beaten path though, the Hermit - the heir to his Tribe - slumps forward, exposing his blood-soaked back with the arrow still protruding. His wound is bad, possibly even fatal! Emmary managed to save him from the Opposing tribe, but here in the wilderness she begins another adventure, a race against time to see if she can save his life…
    THE END!

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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