Yajin Species in Godai | World Anvil


The Yajin are found in the mountains of all the continents they form they own social groups, but there are often other races they have join those social groups by trial and ritual. They are a strange group and don't appear to follow the elemental powers or the returning divine god, they have they own beleieves and allow others to learn and join them if they prove themselves worth and strong in believe.  

Ancestral Traits

  Age: Yajins age and live the same as humans   Size: Yajins tend to tower over most other races starting at 7 feet tall and the tallest can be closer to 9. Weighing in the vicinity of 300 lbs. While this a tall and large it brings you in at the high end of Medium Creature.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Hardy: You can absorb a startling amount of damage. When you take damage from a source you can see. you can use your reaction to expend a Hit Die. if you have any. Roll the Hit Die and add your Consitution modifier to the number rolled, reducing the damage by the total. You can us this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1)   Might: When you attempt to carry, push, drag or lift something you count as one size larger.  

Cultural Traits

  The Yajins live in the high hills and mountains of Godai and rarely seen by the other races. Unless something forces them out of the high places they call their homes.   Ability Score Increase. Your strength score increase by 2, and your constitution by 1.   Alignment: Yajins in the main live and work in communal collaboration to survive, they have to due to the extreme weather in the high places of the world. A such, they tend somewhat towards lawful values.   Robust: The nomadic mountain life of Yajins groups makes for strong, fit folk. you have proficiency in the Athletics Skill.   Languages: You speak a dialect of Common which is people can understand with careful listening and you can understand others in common.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in the mountains and hills across the entire of Godai.
Genetic Descendants
70 years
Average Height
7 to 9 feet tall
Average Weight
300 lbs
Volo's Guide to Monsters Goliath


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