Valin Sarnaster Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Valin Sarnaster

Valin Sarnaster is a priest of Savras, the god of divination. Valin is a well-known oracle who was originally based at the Shrine of Savras in Conyberry in the late 14th century.

Campaign Recap

On 20 Mirtul, Collateral Damage arrived at the Shrine of Savras. After entering the temple, the ancient green dragon Claugiyliamatar appeared to them as a projected image; Claugiyliamatar encouraged the adventurers to go through the teleportation circle to the House of the All-Seeing Orb and take the artifact from its current owner, Valin Sarnaster.

View the Shrine of Savras page for more details.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Fall of Conyberry

In the late 14th century, Valin Sarnaster built a reputation in Conyberry and the surrounding area as a powerful oracle and priest of Savras.

After the Spellplague of 1385 transported sections of Conyberry to Abeir, Valin foresaw an attack on Conyberry by barbarians of the nearby Uthgardt Tribe. She attempted to convince the entire town to evacuate, but only some of them joined her. The Uthgardt barbarians did indeed arrive, destroying the town and slaughtering the residents who decided to stay.

The locations of Valin and the residents of Conyberry who followed her were lost to history.

The Mystery of Valin

Over the next hundred years Valin's reputation grew. She eventually became known as an oracle of Savras, but her location remained a mystery.

Worshipers of Savras seeking knowledge about the future sought out Valin. The few who claimed to have spoken with her in person described visiting a temple called the House of the All-Seeing Orb, but none of them could remember where it was.

Gender Identity


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