Uthgardt Organization in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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The Uthgardt are a collection of nomadic tribes of human barbarians located primarily in Northwest Faerûn. They take their name from Uthgar, the Faerûnian demigod of strength who conquered lands as a mortal human before ascending to godhood.


In addition to worshiping Uthgar as their patron deity, each tribe of the Uthgardt also venerates the totem spirit animal after which their tribe is named.

Known Uthgardt tribes include:


The Uthgardt take their name from Uthgar Gardolfsson, the Faerûnian demigod of strength who conquered lands as a mortal human before ascending to godhood.

The Rise, Fall and Ascension of Uthgar

In the year 95, Uthgar led a fleet of ships from Ruathym in the Sea of Swords to Northwest Faerûn. Uthgar's barbarian forces attempted to invade the coastal settlement of Luskan, which was then known as "Illusk." Uthgar's barbarians slayed the local leaders, but Uthgar was not treated as a liberator like he expected. The citizens burned Uthgar's ships, forcing them to retreat inland.

Uthgar, undeterred by the loss of ships, led his forces inland and conquered villages of varying sizes. He offered protection to villages who swore fealty to him, eventually gaining a sizable following and a reputation as an unmatched warrior. During his conquests, Uthgar claimed to have slayed and tamed various spirit animals.

In 123, Uthgar led his barbarian followers in a battle against a clan of frost giants. Uthgar slayed the leader of the giants, but he suffered mortal wounds as well. Uthgar died, but Tempus, the Faerûnian greater god of war, elevated Uthgar's soul to godhood. He named Uthgar a demigod of strength.

The Uthgardt Tribes

After the death of Uthgar and his divine ascension in 123, Uthgar's former followers began calling themselves the "Uthgardt." They worshiped Uthgar as a demigod, but they disagreed with each other about their totemic spirit animals. This eventually led to the Uthgardt splitting into multiple tribes based on their chosen spirit animals.

Trade & Transport

The Uthgardt don't typically trade with non-Uthgardt settlements. They are known to prefer pillaging towns and attacking caravans rather than maintaining peaceful relationships with outsiders.


Each Uthgardt tribe is nomadic and scattered throughout Northwest Faerûn, but they each do claim one burial site as especially holy for their tribe. Each tribe's burial site - their spirit mound - is where they gather to bury their dead, revere Uthgar, honor their ancestors, and make sacrifices to their totem animal spirit.

Granted Divine Powers

Uthgardt barbarians accept a spirit animal as a guide, protector and inspiration. In battle, their totem spirits fill them with primal and supernatural might, adding magical fuel to their barbarian rage.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
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