Tower of the Lord Protector Building / Landmark in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Tower of the Lord Protector

The Tower of the Lord Protector in Triboar is located in the middle of the town and is surrounded by the Triboar Market Square.

Purpose / Function

The Tower of the Lord Protector is the headquarters for the Lord Protector of Triboar and the town's mounted police force, the Twelve. The first story is managed by the Twelve, and the second story includes offices and meeting rooms for the Lord Protector.


Hanging above the entrance is the dusty banner of the Lord Protector, depicting three black boars running toward the head of the banner on a blood-red field.

On either side of the entrance are boards with various postings. On the left are advertisements for upcoming community events and various announcements by the Lord Protector. On the right are wanted posters for criminals and a job board for adventurers.


The stone tower is two stories, and it leans decidedly to the east.

Parent Location

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