Caravan Campgrounds Building / Landmark in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Caravan Campgrounds

The caravan campgrounds in Triboar are close to the center of town, directly west and north of the Tower of the Lord Protector.

Purpose / Function

Caravans passing through Triboar use these fenced-in fields as places to park their wagons and contain their mounts for free. There is also plenty of room to pitch tents and build campfires. Freshwater is available in 30-foot-deep stone wells in the southeast corner of the northern campground and in the middle of the western campground.

A cottage stands in the east side of the northern campground, and it's occupied by Darz Helgar. Darz is paid by the town's Lord Protector to keep the campgrounds clean by removing garbage and burying the excrement.

Hospitality, Camping
Parent Location

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