Thel Dendrar-Deceased Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Thel Dendrar-Deceased

Thel Dendrar was a human man and member of the Dendrar Family in Phandalin.   Thel owned and managed Dendrar Woodcarving with his wife Mirna Dendrar. He had two children, Nars Dendrar and Nilsa Dendrar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before the start of the campaign, Thel stood up to the Redbrand Ruffians when they demanded a "protection fee" at Dendrar Woodcarving. The small group of Redbrands, led by Seth Redbrand-Deceased, dragged Thel into the street and beat him to death. The Redbrands then captured Mirna Dendrar, Nars Dendrar and Nilsa Dendrar and locked them in the cells in the Redbrand Hideout under Tresendar Family. They also took Thel's body to the hideout and fed him to their nothic.

Gender Identity




Family Ties

Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Redbrand Ruffians
Aligned Organization

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