Scepter of Savras Item in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Scepter of Savras

According to theologians, the Scepter of Savras is an artifact created by Azuth, the god of wizards. The scepter was named after Savras because it imprisoned Savras for centuries.

Campaign Recap

On 20 Mirtul, Collateral Damage arrived at the Shrine of Savras outside Conyberry. After entering the temple, the ancient green dragon Claugiyliamatar appeared to them as a projected image; Claugiyliamatar encouraged the adventurers to go through the teleportation circle to the House of the All-Seeing Orb and take the artifact from its current owner, Valin Sarnaster.

View the Shrine of Savras page for more details.


According to theologians, Savras was once a mortal man who elevated himself to a demigod.

During an event known as the Dawn Cataclysm, a mortal wizard named Azuth sought to elevate himself to divine status by dueling with Savras. Azuth was successful, defeating Savras and imprisoning him in a staff he created. That staff would become known as the Scepter of Savras, and Azuth ascended to divine status as the god of wizards.

Over time, Azuth began to feel guilty for imprisoning Savras in the scepter. During the Time of Troubles in 1358, when the gods were forced by Ao to walk the Material Plane, Azuth agreed to free Savras in exchange for a pledge of fealty. After Savras was freed, the scepter used the remnants of Savras' divine magic stored within itself to teleport to an unknown location.

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder

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