Belanor Grenan Character in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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Belanor Grenan

Belanor Grenan

Belanor Grenan is a brain in a jar. He was originally a member of the elven House Grenan in the town of Longwood in the Neverwinter Region.

Campaign Recap

On 13 Mirtul, at Icespire PeakCollateral Damage discovered Belanor inside a bag of holding that previously belonged to the Shadar-kai named Nivethri.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Known spells: detect thoughts, mage hand, zone of truth, charm person, hold person, compulsion, hold monster, sleep, hideous laughter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Belanor's own words:

  • About why he's a brain in a jar: “Well, many years ago I was a professor in the school of enchantment at Golden Coast College, a fine school for wizards in a town called Longwood. My old best friend, Ivaran Holabella, was a professor in the school of necromancy, which unfortunately had to be closed, but before that Ivaran and I worked together on some theoretical magic that could preserve an individual within their brain for eternity! I offered to be the first test subject, and it worked!"
  • About his family: "My family and I were the elves of House Grenan. We were the elven family that helped build Golden Coast College. We did so working together with a family of gnomes, the Stoner Family. Unfortunately, my brothers and sisters and parents and pretty much everyone else, they didn’t think highly of gnomes. I, on the other hand, love gnomes. One of them was a good friend of mine, a man named Lukpac Stoner. Well, after the college was opened officially, my family tried to include something in the college’s charter, to exclude the Stoner family and all gnomes from the administration of the college, and even attending as students. This didn’t go over well, obviously. My brother, Venali, with him, things turned violent. Lukpac was killed, and then many of my family members were too when Lukpac’s big brother Shibble Stoner showed up and joined the fight to avenge his brother. I escaped with my friend Ivaran. I wanted nothing to do with my family after that. They were so hateful. It’s hard for me to think about those days."
  • About why he ended up with the Shadar-kai: Well, Ivaran and I traveled around for many years together after I was turned into my current, jar-contained form. We had many great times, but … well, I was feeling very guilty about my family and what they did. That’s a long story. Anyway, one day the backpack that Ivaran carried me in was stolen. I don’t know what happened to Ivaran after that. I tried to speak with whoever it was that was carrying me around from that point on, but they wouldn’t respond. Eventually, they left me somewhere, but I couldn’t tell where because I was stuck inside the backpack. After years and years of nothing, just sitting there, the bag was opened up. I figured out later that I was in Shadowfell of all places! Can you believe it!? So, there I was in the Fortress of Memories, which I’m sure you all know is the castle of the Raven Queen. The Raven Queen herself appeared to me, at least I think she did, and she and I worked through some of my past trauma. You know, she gives tough love, but I do believe it really helped me! I became very, very happy! Everyone in the Shadowfell is so dreary, so that wasn’t fun, but at least I felt better. So, after a while, I think the Raven Queen got tired of me. I can talk a lot, so maybe that was it. Anyway, one of her Shadar-kai elves started carrying me around. Nivethri was her name. She wasn’t very fun though. She kept me in the bag of holding all day so she couldn’t hear what I was saying. Then, after a while, I ended up here!"

Gender Identity

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