Apparent Species in Glüm | World Anvil


Though not a true species, an Apparent is a class of being said to be an ancient, ageless, primordial manifestation of the awareness of the Song of Creation. Technically an Elemental (though such terminology fails to capture their essence), each Apparent is uniquely formed, existing as its own perfect version of a discretely aware part of the Song, for its own discrete purpose.   Given they are beings of purest Creation, Apparents are unhindered by the Planes, and are technically native to all of them at once. Individual Apparents dwell where they see fit, though most surpass simple concepts like mass and form, and therefore do not really reside anywhere.   Apparents cannot be classified in terms of strength or common abilities, as so little is known of them and their extent, as well as them being so far beyond concepts deemed necessary by mortals to categorise such things. What can be discerned is that there is no such thing as a safe or weak Apparent; all of them are cause for alarm.

Civilization and Culture


Typically, Apparents are beyond the ken of mortals, and even far beyond the realm of the Gods — which are notably not Apparents, despite theology from the Church of Eighteen Eyes to the contrary — for their "lives" are so disconnected from concepts of mortality that there is little meaning to be shared between them. That being said, there are recorded instances of individual Apparents becoming interested in the whims and mores of mortals, going so far as to communicate with them for brief, fleeting moments.   Two such Apparents which have been named are Writhe, said to have been responsible for the first sentient death on Harmony when it devoured a Human, and burned Its name into the mind of all living things, and Splendour, believed to have intermingled with the mortals of Refrain, creating the first Fey. It is theorised that the Demon Lords are, or at least once were Apparents, though this is considered sacreligious by even the most liberal of priest-scholars.
Geographic Distribution

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